V. Almost Perfect

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As much as I avoid Claire, I can't just let her be on that state—helpless and in need of comfort.

It seemed like time has stopped.

I don't want to see anyone crying.

I approached Claire, as tears continue to drop from her eyes.

Hesitantly, I tapped her back. "Hush now, Claire, you're safe here." I didn't know where these words came from.

Holding the pizza box on my left hand, I took Claire on the bench, made sure she can comfortably sit.

As she sat, I put my hand inside my short pants' pocket. Luckily, there was a hanky.

No time for admiration.

I fixed her hair. "Smile! You have me and Jay. You can get through it!" Words of encouragement yet I think it is still helpless. "Would you mind sharing it with me?"

Claire started to tell more of her story, deeper than what she has said when we were in the university.

Looking at her eyes, I can feel the inevitable pain. I know I can't do anything to ease what she feels but I am with her now, and I know that would be a big help.

As she finished telling her story, I didn't know what to do. Whether I'll give her a hug or not. "All will be well," I whispered.

"Thank you for listening, Gale." She managed to have a crooked smile.

Her tears were slowly drying.

"You look like a crying brown-haired sloth, Claire, do you know that?" I teased her.

"Oh my God Gale stop, let's eat pizza, it's getting less delicious over time," she smiled, but this time, it was more adorable.

She smiled. She's so beautiful.

The bench we were sitting on was located at right-most part of the rooftop. In front of us is a portable telescope, bought by my Dad when I was 8. Every night, we used to come up here and stargaze. Not until they became busy with our business.

"Wanna take a look?" I asked, pointing the telescope.

"You know what Gale, if a king and a queen live here, this house will be called a castle," she said as she looked around. "Come on."

We stood up, approaching the telescope. I always avoid being awed by Claire's beauty. I know this is wrong. I don't want to get attached to her but there will always be ways our souls will meet.

"Have you seen the moon up closed?" I questioned, looking at the moon.

I set up the telescope, facing the moon, looked at the lenses, and boom! Perfect.

I turned off the lamps so the sky will be seen more clearly. The moonlight took over, shining like a spotlight for only Claire and me.

She took a look at the lenses while I was just staring at her.

I can't help it.

Stop, Gale. Stop. You can't.

Suddenly she looked at me. Quickly I managed to alter where I was looking, pretending to read what's written on the telescope.

"It's so beautiful," she said.

On my mind I was eager to say Not as beautiful as you are, Claire.

"Look at the stars!" I responded.

You can see her astonished of what she saw. I wish I could always see her that way, with no tears, with no pain.

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