IX. The Literary Club

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August 28, 2011
7:08 a.m.


The warmth of the morning sun touched my skin, waking me up. All the happenings that took place on the gathering was still crystal clear on my mind. Including that dark incident. I just wish, whoever did that, will be caught and served a punishment.

Everything was still clear. Even what Claire said on the flower plantation.

I heard what you said last night.

Well, that might've caused a sudden anxiety to me the moment you said that but don't worry, Claire. I have no any bad intentions. I don't want to worsen the situation even though right now, it's already worst. It just... made us more awkward, I think?

Today is the rest day for the juniors since all the efforts from preparation to execution of the gathering was undeniably tiring. A much needed rest day.

I have not much work to do today so lazily, I got off my bed and went downstairs to check if there was a ready-to-eat food. But turned out to have nothing so I decided to cook.

I look for any meat in the fridge, and found chicken and beef. I made up my mind, I'll be cooking a chicken teriyaki, one of the best foods which I usually order in the university cafeteria. I prepared all the ingredients needed and started to chop the chicken meat into pieces.

In the middle of chopping, my phone rang. It was mom.

"Hey there, sweetie. We will be coming home today. We finished all the necessary things to be done early so yeah, that's why."

"Oh, all right, mom. Take care."

"Bye, sweetie. Call me if you need something."

"All right mom. Bye."

I continued chopping, and proceeded to cooking, which is slightly challenging because I haven't cooked a chicken teriyaki before. So I opened YouTube and searched for step by step tutorials. Luckily, the ingredients I already prepared were all correct to the cooking process will be the only problem.

I felt productive as I poured my cooked chicken teriyaki on a white ceramic plate, thanks to the tutorial. It looked good somehow, I just hope it tastes good too.

To escape boredom, I played a music in a playlist as I eat my breakfast. I enjoyed the meal more than the usual.

After I finished eating, I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I will be going to the Literature and Arts Committee in our university to join an organization. Since 4th grade, I was so much fond of reading literary pieces and that gave way for me to write poems even at a young age.

I wore a simple outfit. Black jeans and a white shirt printed with NBA logo. I also put on the leather bracelet with a skull pendant that I bought last two year, one of things that is still alive until now.

I got my notebook, which contains the poems I wrote. Basically, that's what I will use to present to the organization to be accepted, hopefully.


9:21 a.m.


With smiling faces, several organization members and head committee gave me a warm welcome as I enter their quarters.

The room was so large that more 100 members can fill it but still leave large spaces. There were numerous artworks, paintings, carvings that expose talents of the club members. Looking at the right side from the entrance, you can see books published by some authors who also belong to the club. I am looking forward too, to publish my own book someday. Maybe an anthology.

One of the committee approached me and gave an application form. Nervously, I filled up the paper with my informations.

I went to the submission desk to submit my application form and the notebook that contains my written poems, which is part of the requirements.

While waiting for the confirmation, I went to a group of people who also are joining the organization.

I joined their conversation and found out that they were also writers. We shared different stories on how and when we started writing, and the pros and cons in the writing journey.

Someone so familiar caught my attention. With a long hair braided, she lifted her head. With that, I proved that I really knew that person. I tried my best to avoid her. I don't want to have interaction with her anymore.

Suddenly, my name was called. I will be proceeding to an interview.

The interview went smooth. I've been asked so many questions including the common ones— "Why do you want to be part of this club?"

I answered to the extent of my knowledge, giving concrete details. I found the interview amusing rather than giving rapid heartbeats of nervousness. I just hoped I'll get accepted.

The names of those who are accepted will be finalized in an hour or two so I went to the cafeteria to treat myself for just a tiny accomplishment.

With not much crowded cafeteria, I ordered a cheese burger and an iced coffee, a perfect combination. I wondered if I was only the only junior student present here since it is a rest day for us.

I took my ordered food and sat on the left-most table. There are roughly below twenty students in the cafeteria.

As I finished eating, I told myself that no matter what the result is, at least I tried.

Avoiding my hands to tremble, I headed back to the organization quarter, hoping I could see the name on the qualified members.

Few meters before I stepped in, I can hear applause as they congratulate those who have qualified.

As I came in, one of the organization staff greeted me.

"Congratulations, Mr. Peterwood. Welcome to the club."

The happiness inside me overflowed as we shook our hands.

All the newly qualified members will be having a meeting after this. Congratulations! said the head staff.

All smiles as we, the new members, gathered for the meeting. The notebook I submitted has been returned to me.


The meeting lasted for three hours covering topics such as monthly and weekly meetings, projects, expos and more.

It was a bit of tiring but worthy taking my time.

On my way home, Mom called me.

"Hey dear, we are at home now. See you!"

"Oh right. On my way mom."

"Take care, Gale."


I hung up the phone.

Confused, I heard conversation from the facade of our house. Is there anyone aside from mom and dad?

I knocked on the door. "I'm home."

Dad was surprised. "Oh your finally here!" He gave a hug. So did mom.

I was correct. There were still any other people who were brought by mom. A lady and man, who were probably at mid 40s.

"Gale, they are our business partners who invested on us."

"Nice to meet you Sir and Ma'am."

They smiled at me.

Out from the kitchen, a girl appeared. The same person I saw on the organization quarters. The person I avoided.

My mom quickly introduced her name. "Oh I forgot, this is Annabeth, their daughter."

Yes, of course, I know that she is Annabeth.

"She will be transferring to your university," mom added.

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