chapter seven

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Life with The Taylor Twins:

Chapter Seven:

Blakelyn's POV:

"Christian, please stop crying." I groaned as I stood and rocked him gently. It is one am and he's been crying for five minutes. "Maybe he's hungry." Harry said sleepily, laying on my bed. "I already fed him. I changed his diaper. I just don't know what's wrong." I sniffed as harry grabbed him from me. "Babe, don't cry." He frowned and laid chris on the bed. "I'm a horrible mother." I cried as harry wrapped his arms around me. "Baby, don't say that. You're the best mom." Harry whispered in my ear. I looked at chris to see him sleeping. "He stopped." I looked at harry and wiped my eyes. "He was probably just tired." Harry picked him up gently and laid him beside his brother. I turned off the lamp and laid down and Harry laid beside me. "I'm exhausted." I mumbled into my pillow. Harry wrapped his arm around me and kissed between my shoulder blades. "Just go to sleep baby." Harry said softly as I fell asleep.

"Peek-a-boo." I heard Harry say. I opened my eyes to see him playing with the babies, making them coo. "Harry." I smiled and sat up. "Good morning baby." Harry crawled to me and pecked my lips lightly. "Good morning. How are they?" I asked him, stretching and getting up. "They're good. Trevor started to coo so I played with them for a little while." He stood up, he was wearing black basketball shorts and a red tshirt. "Will you watch them while I shower?" I asked and he nodded. I grabbed a pair of leggings and one of my nursing tank tops before walking into the bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth before getting dressed. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and walked back into my room. Harry laid the twins on the bed before I grabbed some of their clothes. I picked up Chris first and fed him. "Does it hurt?" He asked as I watched Chris feed. "No, it just feels weird." I answered and he nodded. I burped him and fed Trevor on the other side. Once I burped him, i took off their pajamas and changed their diapers. "You know I'm going to make you do this the next time." I smiled and looked at harry as he grimaced. "I guess..." He said as I put white onesies on the twins, Christian's said 'older and wiser' and Trevor's said 'younger and cuter'. "I'm happy someone got me these, they're so cute." I smiled and slipped socks on the twins' tiny feet. "Yeah, I think your brother got them." He said. I nodded as my door opened and I saw Ryan and Jacob walk in. "Hey." I smiled and picked up Ryan. "Hi." Ryan smiled. "You see your nephews?" I asked as he sat on my lap. He nodded. "They're tiny." "You were this little when you were born." I said to him. "Really?" He gasped and I nodded. "How did I get so big?" "You ate your fruits and vegetables." I smiled. "Do you want to hold one?" He nodded as I sat him on my bed. I gave him my nursing pillow and sat it on his lap. I picked up Trevor and put him gently on the pillow. "Put your arms like this." I moved Ryan's arms so they cradled the infant. Ryan giggled and looked down at his nephew who looked back up at him. "He's cute." Ryan smiled as I took a picture. "You're going to be a great uncle." I smiled. "Did mom cook breakfast?" I asked jake. "Yeah, she made scrambled eggs and sausage, why?" He leaned against my dresser. "Can you make me a plate?" I asked him sweetly. "Please?" I did a puppy dog face and he groaned. "Fine." He walked downstairs with Harry following him.

"What are you trying to make?" I asked Ryan as he played with his Legos. "A castle." He connected some pieces together. I crawled over to him and started helping him. "Who's going to live in the castle?" "Mommy and daddy are king and queen. Eli, Willy, Sammy, Jakey, and Harry are princes and you're the princess." He said to me. "What about you, Trevor, and Chris?" "We're the Knights." He smiled, making me smile too. I can't wait for the twins to be the same age as Ryan, he has such a big imagination. Chris started to cry as I looked at him. "What's wrong?" I asked him and crawled over to their swings. "Harry!" I called. "What?" He responded. "Chris needs his diaper changed." I smiled as he groaned and walked out of the game room. "He pooped?" Harry asked. "Yeah." He picked him up and carried him out of the room. "Ewww." Ryan said as I went to help him again. "What? When you were a baby someone had to change you." I smiled. "That's nasty. I'm never having a baby." He scrunched his nose. "Never say never Ry."

"It's so nice out." I said to harry as we sat on the driveway. Ryan wanted to ride his bike and he couldn't do it by himself. "Yeah, we should go to the water park tomorrow. Just us." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "And by us you mean Sam, Will, Jake, and Ry right?" I asked and he nodded. "You already know we have to invite the clique." He joked, making me laugh. "That would be fun but we have to ask my mom if she'll watch the twins." I looked at Harry. "I'm sure she will. She'll do anything to get Ry out of the house. Isn't he starting preschool in September?" He asked and I nodded. "My little baby growing up. He's going to school." I pouted and looked at Harry. He chuckled. "If this is how you're acting to Ry. I can't wait for when Chris and Trev start school." I hit him playfully as he kissed my temple.

A/N: more Blarry :3 I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. The next chapter is the water park and helping Ryan get ready for preschool

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