chapter twenty-two

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A/N: I hope everyone had a great christmas!

Blakelyn's POV:

"Blake! It's Christmas!" I heard Ryan jump on my bed in excitement. I smiled and slowly opened my eyes to see my baby brother with a huge smile on his face. "Let me get the twins and I'll be right downstairs." I smiled as he got down and ran out of my room. I chuckled and shook my head as I looked at the pack n play with the twins. They were looking up at me with squirmy legs and arms. "Morning babies." I smiled and gently picked them up. Christian cooed as I put on my fuzzy slippers and walked down the stairs.

"Do you like your toy?" I asked Ryan as he played with his new remote controlled race car. "Yeah!" He smiled and drove it around. I smiled and looked at the twins. Trevor and Christian were playing with some blocks that my mom bought them. They got a few toys like some blocks and the standing bear that helps them learn about their body parts. "Are you building a tower?" I asked Trevor and he cooed before slowly rolling onto his back. I chuckled and gently kissed his forehead. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked down to see a text from Harry

from: baby cakes❤️
my parents want you to come over

to: baby cakes❤️
k, let me get dressed😘

I picked up the twins and took them upstairs to my room. I let down the pack n play's mattress so they could play while I took off my sweatpants and tank top. I took a quick shower and washed my hair before getting out and drying myself off. I put on a black long-sleeved skater dress and cream colored tights. I dried my hair and curled it before pinning my bangs back with a bobby pin. I grabbed the twins and took off their pajamas before changing their diapers and putting on a plain white onesie. I put a red and green plaid onesie on Trevor along with a pair of black jeans and black socks. I put a black and white plaid onesie on Christian with the similar pants and socks as Trevor. I put on my black booties and grabbed my coat.

I parked my car in Harry's driveway and saw a lot of foreign cars. "Ready to go meet your daddy's family?" I asked them as I turned the car off. I texted Harry that I was outside before getting out and unhooking the twins' carseats. I heard the door open so I looked up to see my boyfriend walking over to me. "Hey babe." I smiled and lightly pecked his lips when he met me. "Hey." He smiled and grabbed Trevor's carseat. "Who's all here?" I asked him. "My parents, Louis, Brett and his girlfriend Megan, Liam, Tori, Josh, and my grandparents." He said to me before we walked inside. "Blake!" I heard Tori yell as she ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "Hey." I smiled and hugged her back. "Let me see my nephews." she smiled as I moved the light blue blanket covering Chris' carseat. "He's so big!" Tori smiled and gently picked up Chris. He looked up at her and Tori rocked him back and forth. "Harry, Nana and Grandpa wants to meet the grandkids." Brett said to his younger brother.

"They look so much like you." Harry's grandmother, Alice, said to me. "Thanks." I blushed as I sat close to Harry. "Are they good?" she asked and I nodded. "Yes ma'am. They are very well behaved." I smiled as she gently rocked Trevor. He looked up at her and tried to grab the large pendant on her necklace. "Oh! Don't grab that sweetie." she cooed and moved it from his small hand. I smiled and watched her play with him. Tori and Josh were playing with Christian with some blocks that Harry bought him. "I got you a present." Harry said to me. "You did?" I smiled and turned so I faced him. He nodded and grabbed a small sliver bag from under the tree. I grabbed it from him and looked to see a small white box. "Harry.." I bit my lip before opening it slowly.

Inside was a small silver ring with a heart in the middle made of light pink diamonds. "Oh my God, it's beautiful!" I smiled and slowly wiped away the tears that started to shed. "I love you so much baby, Merry Christmas." he whispered and slowly kissed me, making us hear the chorus of Aww's from his family.

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