chapter five (P2)

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Life With The Taylor Twins:

Chapter 5:

Blakelyn's POV:

I felt my whole world come crashing down. I can't believe little Trevor has his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. "Will he be ok?" Harry asked her. "He should be. Since he's a few pounds smaller than Baby A then we'll have to keep a close eye on him." She said and we both nodded. I looked at harry and he kissed my forehead lightly. "It'll be ok princess." He whispered in my ear. "I hope so." I whispered back.


"Alright, I can see his head. one more big push." The doctor said and i pushed one more time. I heard faint cries as the doctor held my small fragile Trevor Malachi Taylor, born at 11:55 PM. The nurses rushed him away in his bassinet after recording his height and weight. I laid back on the pillow and sighed. "I'm so proud of you baby. You're a mom." Harry smiled. "Thanks." I said tiredly and stretched. "Rest. You deserve it." He said to me as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up at noon the next day. I stretched as Harry placed a container of Penne Rosa from Noodles and Co, my favorite restaurant. "Thanks baby." I kissed his cheek before eating. "Have you seen how the twins are?" I asked him. "Yeah, the doctor is going to bring them by soon." He answered. As soon as he said it, the nurse came in wheeling two bassinets in. I smiled widely as she wheeled them over to my side. "Hello." I said to them softly picking up Trevor. He was a lot smaller than his brother but he was more alert than Chris. I looked down to see he had blue green eyes like Chris and a head full of hair. "My beautiful baby." I smiled and kissed the top of his head. He closed his eyes as I took off the hospitals boring white onesie and matching white hat. I put on a white long sleeved onesie with small navy colored boats on it and a pair of white socks. I slipped a hat on his tiny head and laid him on my chest. He slept soundly as I watched him. I can't believe I have twin boys. This is crazy, almost a year from now I was just a normal teenage girl now I'm a mother of twins.

A/N: nothing was wrong with Trevor after all! :) the picture is of the twins :)

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