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"TRY TO RELAX. THIS IS GONNA STING." Teresa warned as Thomas was sat in front of her. She was faced with his back as she grasped a tool in her hand. The situation wasn't any better, but they needed her to remove their brand.

"Let's just get it over with." Thomas muttered as the girl started the process of removing WICKED's tag.

The others were already done, pressing a cloth on the exact same spot. Only Ada was left, who had still yet to experience it; which is one of the times she wished she was a robot.

"She enjoyed that." Gally remarked as he placed down the cloth on the desk.

"You're probably right." Fry huffed the same time Ada said, "Probably."

Gally turned to face the mahogany haired girl whose chin rested on her calloused hands. "Thought you were bff's."

"I guess we were. Not anymore." Ada simply answered, unfazed. Her eyes didn't shift from the table where her elbows rested as she evaded the teen's gaze.

The bulky teenager remembered the girl's rant and noticed the black veins running though her hand. He didn't get the chance to know Ada, but he thought the weapons she brought were grand. He was suspicious of her, Thomas and Teresa back in the maze and he was a bit of a dick. That's changed now, and he didn't expect her and Minho to instantly click.

According to Frypan they are a couple. And Gally was glad Minho found happiness despite all the trouble.

"How is it." He asked, nodding at her hand.

Ada heaved a sigh before responding. "Oh, you know. Just spreading all over my body."

Gally cleared his throat before he decided to change the subject. "So, you and Minho, huh? Fry told me." The guy smirked as the girl let out a light chuckle.

"Here. See if these fit." Newt sauntered to them with a bunch of clothes in his grasp.


"Thanks, Newt."

Brenda and Jorge conversed before the Hispanic man strolled out of the area. Teresa took notice of the doe eyed girl as Ada walked closer to them. The mahogany haired girl was getting impatient but she was relieved that she hasn't yet gone to the world of mania. She wants the freaking tag out of her body as quick as possible, because the tag was just a reminder of them.

WICKED are wicked.

"She's looking good. Healthy. How've you been getting her serum?" asked Teresa.

Ada furrowed her eyes and didn't hesitate to ask. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Teresa faced her and turned back to what she was doing before responding calmly. "Brenda. I didn't think she'd still be alive."

Ada knitted her brows and thought of how Brenda hadn't gone full Crank already. She just thought that whatever Mary gave her just slowed it down. She wasn't a Doctor, that's deduced already. She began to think of theories, but then she heard the irritating voice of her ex-best friend once again that caused her thoughts to drown.

"When was her last treatment?"

"At the Right Arm." Thomas answered before he expanded, "The last time we saw you."

"But that was months ago." Thomas turned to look at the blue eyed girl.

"Yeah, so?" Ada crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. She couldn't get her hopes up because she already knew the outcome. Her hopes for herself had already gone low. She could only wish now to see him before the time comes.

"Thomas, Ada, that's not possible. She should have turned by now. There's no way she could possibly still-"

"All right, that's enough." Thomas cut her off as he quickly stood up and started striding away from her.

Ada simply scowled at her as Teresa spoke once again. "You don't believe me?"

"You really expect us to?" Ada retaliated, releasing a humorless laugh.

"You made your choice." Thomas stated before Gally joined in.
"Everything okay over here?"

"Yeah..." Ada was the one to respond quickly as Teresa and Thomas were still having a staring contest, "It's my turn, better make this quick."

Thomas walked away and went to help Brenda, while Ada begrudgingly sat on the chair as she swiftly moved up her hair. The mahogany haired girl hissed as she felt the sting on the back of her neck. She cursed under her breath and stopped herself from moving as she's urged to punch something and leave it wrecked. She hated the pain and she hates her.

"How are you." Teresa built up her courage to speak after a long awkward silence between them.

"Good." Ada replied briefly and it caused Teresa to heave a sigh as she continued doing her work.

"You understand what I'm doing is right, right?"

The pain in the back of her neck was disregarded as she balled up her fists. Ada's nails dug in her palms, but not enough for them to bleed. She has a lot to say, a perpetual list. The expression on her face was easy to read.

Teresa was lucky she was only facing her back, because if only looks could kill, she would've been dead in an instant. "You stabbed me in the back, Teresa, it hurt."

Teresa finished at the same time the mahogany haired girl stated that. The mahogany haired girl quickly stood up, wanting to leave it at that.

But the blue eyed girl grabbed her infected hand and Ada's eyes widened in realization. Teresa stared at the dark veins on Ada's skin, while Ada just sent her a look of abhorrence. Teresa recalled what happened to the little girl and now she can't let that happen to Ada.

The mahogany haired girl roughly pulled her hand away from Teresa's grasp and continued to walk away, but the blue eyed girl wasn't finished.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Everyone's attention were now focused on them.

"Why should I? It's none if your fucking business." Ada looked at her behind her shoulder but she didn't stop walking.

"I could help you, Addy."

"Don't call me that." Ada spat, finally facing her. "You don't get to call me that."

"Ada- I promise I can help you just come with me."

"What the hell are you in to?"
"She's not going anywhere with you."
"No one's going anywhere."

The others immediately joined in and they protested at the same time.

"What makes you think I will? After everything you've done you want me to come with you like everything is suddenly sunshine and rainbows? Not in the way in hell."

"Minho would want tha-" Teresa didn't get to finish her sentence as a hand smacked on her face.

She placed her hand on her burning cheek as her blue eyes met Ada's brown ones. The others just watched the traitor and the fuming lady in silence. "You don't have the right to say that." And after that, Ada strutted out, and Teresa let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

i. ADA ✒ Minho [TMR] ✓Where stories live. Discover now