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ADA SAW A BACKPACK AND STARTED PACKING EVERYTHING THEY COULD USE. Ada heard a gasp and it made her look up the same time as the others. "You alright?" asked Newt. "I'm fine." Teresa replied.

"Hey Ads." Teresa called, "Come here."

Teresa found some clothes they could use and both of the girls quickly changed. Ada wore a black sleeveless shirt on, pants, and a brown jacket, with boots.

She quickly went back to packing and when her bag was full enough she sat down and took a rest. Newt's eyes landed on the girl. His brown eyes filled with worry, thinking about what happened to her earlier. "You okay?"

Ada didn't need to look up to see who the voice came from. The British accent is too familiar to her. "Yeah." She paused for a moment. She wanted to ask so many questions. She studied the group earlier and realized that Alby wasn't there. Or Chuck. Or even the hot tempered Gally. "Can I ask something?"


"What happened? After I was taken? What happened in the Maze?"

Newt looked down. Ada knew what was coming but she was in denial. Newt breathed in and out before answering her question. "We thought you were dead. We-we couldn't find you. We all saw the Grievers took you Ada, so we had assumed you were already dead like the rest of them." The brown haired girl coukd see the pain in the blonde's eyes.

"We went in the Maze. Some others stayed in the Glade. It was a risk we had to take. Jeff and the others died. Even Alby." Tears were now threatening to fall down on Ada's brown eyes. "After that we went inside the Griever's hole and got out. We thought that's it. But then we saw Gally. He chose to stay in the Glade and he was stung." There was a pregnant pause. Ada waited for Newt to continue. "He killed Chuck."

Tears fell down Ada's cheeks. She couldn't believe it. Chuck was so young. She had high hopes that Alby would survive.

The girl silently grieved. She looked down her lap. Tears falling down her maong pants. Newt sat down beside her and patted her shoulder. They stayed like that. Silent. Ada was the one to break the silence, knowing that she owes an explanation on how she was still alive.

"I thought I was gonna die too." She started. "They said I was screaming in my sleep so they had to calm me down. They injected something in me and I was paralyzed. I don't know how long. Fortunately, it completely wore off earlier."

"I also gained back my memories." Ada added and Newt stared at the girl in shock. "Really?"

"Yeah. Some of it I wish I hadn't remembered." She paused. "I worked with them, Newt. I helped design the Grievers." The blonde teen widened his eyes. "It's my fault." The short haired girl looked down. Now they're going to hate me.

"Now, don't say that." Newt shook his head. " Whatever you did in the past isn't important now, okay?"

"WICKED just used us. They used Thomas. Teresa. They used you. It's WICKED, It's their fault not yours, alright?"

The short haired girl managed a small smile and nodded, even though negative thoughts still flowed through her head.

Suddenly, there were lights.

This can attract attention..

"We need to go right now. We need to find Minho and Thomas." Ada told the others.


"WHAT'S GOING ON?" asked Winston. "We can't stay here. They'll know were here." Ada replied. "WICKED?" Ada turned to Frypan. "Cranks."

i. ADA ✒ Minho [TMR] ✓Where stories live. Discover now