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"GOOD PLAN, THOMAS." SAID MINHO, WHO'S VOICE WAS LACED WITH SARCASM. One second they are talking with this jerk called Jorge, now the remaining Gladers were hung upside down. "'Just hear what the man has to say'. Really working out for us now."

"Shut up, Minho."

Ada thought that if they will just end up going back to WICKED, she'd rather die. Ada was usually positive, but after all of the things they've been through, cynical thoughts began to flow through her head. Her thoughts isn't the only thing that's flowing, because she can also feel the blood rushing to her head.

But despite those, she kept herself strong. For her friends. Giving up isn't the solution, and her brooding will not help them. Why would she give up after all of the things they've been through? If she gave up so easily, what would her friends think of her? What would they do? What would Alby think? Chuck? Winston? And the other Gladers who fought and sacrificed themselves to helped them survive and get this far?

Although, she wasn't really enjoying where they are right now, but they're still alive and they survived. They can't waste it, but with their position right now, she honestly felt like she was dying.

Thomas and Minho tried to reach the ropes tied onto their feet.

"I'm dying." Ada had no intent to say that aloud but she did. Minho snapped his head to the side to look at her, but she didn't notice his gaze.

"Enjoying the view?"

Jorge appeared.

"Yeah, this is really fun." The man ignored the short haired girl's remark.

"What the hell do you want?" asked Thomas.

"That is the question." The man went closer to the brunette.

"My men want to sell you back to WICKED. Life has taught them to think small. I'm not like that. Something tells me that you're not either." said Jorge.

So, now this jerk's saying he doesn't want us to go back?

What does he really want?
What are his true intentions?

Wait a minute.... The airwaves.... Was he trying to reach the Right Arm?

"Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?"

"The blood is definitely rushing to your head but I think I know what this man wants." said Ada.

Jorge tilted his head to the side and looked at the girl. The others gazed at her like she grew three heads.

"You want to find them too right? The Right Arm? Because you know they're real. You heard them in the airwaves. That was what's keeping you busy earlier." The corners of the man's mouth slightly tipped up and pointed his index finger to the brown haired girl. "You're smart. I'll give you that."

"I thought you said they were ghosts." Newt looked at the man confused.

"I happen to believe in ghosts." Jorge simply answered. "You tell me what you know, and maybe we can make a deal." The man placed his hand on the lever and looked at the teenagers blankly.

Ada still wasn't sure if they could trust the man, so she stayed silent.
"We don't know much." Thomas stuttered.

Then suddenly, Ada felt like falling. She gasped, she felt like her soul left her body for a second.

They didn't fall all the way down, but they know that the man will let them if they didn't give him the answer he wants.

"Okay! Okay, all right." Thomas breathed out. "They're hiding in the mountains. And they attacked WICKED. They got out a bunch of kids. That's it. That's all we know." said Thomas.

i. ADA ✒ Minho [TMR] ✓Where stories live. Discover now