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MUSIC ECHOED THROUGH THE HALLS OF THE BUILDING. "Brenda! Hurry!" The Gladers followed the girl that they know now as Brenda. "We don't have much time!"

"Let's go, let's go, let's go! Right this way!" Jorge opened the glass door. They needed to get to the other side, that's why they need to ride the zipline.

"Holy shit!" Ada, despite the situation, couldn't help but flash an excited smile. Newt and Minho shared a look of amusement. However, Fry's reaction was the opposite. "You gotta be kidding me." Frypan muttered, with a nervous look on his face.

"Plan B, hermano." He started, while tugging on the handles. The teenagers (except for Ada) turned to the hispanic man with a confused glance. "You kids wanna get to the Right Arm? I'll lead you to them. But you're gonna owe me." Jorge pointed his finger at Thomas and the brunette nodded.

The man tugged on the first handle and went first. "Follow me!"

"All right! Let's go! Come on!"

"Everyone, go."

"Go! Come on."

Brenda pulled the other handles so that they could go faster. Ada went first without hesitation, and Minho looked at the girl with wide eyes before tentatively going next.

Unfortunately, Janson spotted the teenagers.
"All units, push in! They're on the top floor!
Top floor!" The soldiers were on the move, obeying the rat-man and sprinting to the top floor.

They successfully got to the other side by riding the zipline. Teresa got to there and Thomas was about to follow, but there was no sign of him. "Where's Thomas?" Ada immediately asked, her voice laced with worry. "I don't know he followed that girl somewhere." Teresa replied, the annoyance laced in her voice didn't go unnoticed by Ada. And she thinks the others noticed too.

The Gladers knitted their eyebrows in both confusion and worry for Thomas.


"Tommy, where the hell are you?"

"Where the hell are they?" Ada turned to Jorge. The man only looked at the girl with worried eyes, "They're supposed to be here by now."

"The song's almost over." Ada furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "What does the music have to do with-" then she realized it. It's a bomb. I like this jerk. The man only nodded at the girl. "We need to go." said Jorge. But what about Thomas? And Brenda?


"TRY NOT TO DRAW TOO MUCH ATTENTION TO YOURSELVES." JORGE GUIDED THEM TO THE CITY. Warning them about the people around them. The group followed his lead, hoping that their friend is well.

"I'm worried about Thomas." Teresa said to the girl beside her in a whisper.

"I'm worried too." She rubbed her best friend's hand to comfort her, the worry still etched on the blue eyed girl's face."But you know Thomas. He's smart." said Ada and Teresa glanced at her with her blue eyes, "Yeah, he's a reckless guy but he's smart. I'm sure he's alive." Ada added, hoping that it made her best friend feel better. The brunette girl heaved a sigh and flashed a small smile at her best friend. "Thanks."

But then the brunette's mood immediately changed, "It was because of that girl. Brenda." Ada was surprised by her best friend's sudden change of demeanor.

Is this jealousy I sense? Or what?
Ada looked at Teresa like she was trying to read her.

"Is there something you wanna tell me?" The short haired girl quietly asked. The brunette thought the mahogany haired girl was talking about something else. She quickly shook her head and her blue eyes went wide. Ada saw it. Guilt.

What was she guilty about?

What also confused her was that Teresa suddenly unlinked their arms. She crossed her arms and walked forward with a faster pace. Why is she suddenly avoiding me? Ada thought to herself. The girl thinks she did something wrong. And her train of thoughts were interrupted by Newt. "You alright?"

Her brown eyes snapped up to the blonde. "Yeah." she replied with a sigh, but the British wasn't convinced. "I'm just really craving for a good sleep." Ada quickly added and Newt nodded with a smile on his face. "Yeah, I think we all do." The pair quietly chuckled.

"I never got to thank you." Newt started. "For what?" Ada glanced at the blonde, confused.

"I know, Minho. He wouldn't admit it to you of course. But.. when we thought you were gone, he took it the hardest.

And I got to know why because he came to me. He talked to me on how he remembered you. And from all the things he said
.. you're a really important person in his life."

Ada's curiosity got the best of her.

"How did he remember me?"

"He showed me a photograph. It was you and Minho." Newt paused, and the girl waited for him to continue.

"I've known him enough to know when he's miserable. And not one day had gone where he won't sulk in a corner. It's worse when the one sulking has a sarcastic mouth so..."

The girl with mahogany hair shook her head and chortled, the blonde joined but continued,

"Now, I could always see him... Happier. We've been through too much but he's always had that smile when he looks at you." Ada tried to hide her pink tinted cheeks but it didn't go unnoticed by Newt.

"That's why, I want to thank you. Thank you for being alive. For being strong and being with us."

Ada flashed him a grin.

"You don't give yourself enough credit." Ada started. "You've always been there for him. You always look out for the others. You look out for all of us. That's why I feel like I should be the one thanking you."

The pair smiled at each other, "Let's just thank each other then."

"Okay then.." Ada cleared her throat, "Thank you, Newt."

"Thank you, Addy."

The pair smiled and they both looked forward. Ada's gaze fell to the brunette Asian not too far in front of them. Minho must have sensed her looking at him and glanced behind his shoulders. His eyes landed on the short haired girl, whose hair tied up in a tiny ponytail. She flashed him a smile and he smiled back.

"I really hope Tommy's okay."

"I'm sure he is."


I love writing the last part.
What do you guys think?

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