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ADA KEPT HER STEPS STEADY WHILE CLIMBING UP THE HILL. Her throat was dry and her body was exhausted. If it weren't with the help of Minho, her face would've been under the sand already.

The chasing continued. She knew they wouldn't give up so easily. They would kill and take to get whatever they wanted.

And so they continued to run and hide from WICKED underneath the night sky.

Ada thought they wouldn't be able to rest. She was breathless and the sand keeps getting into her eyes.

"Hey, come on. I got you." Minho's grip on Ada stayed tight yet gentle. She noticed the backpack Minho has and thought maybe they had food or water.

She hasn't eaten or drank anything because when she woke up they just let her rest and wait. And then they escaped. The events went too fast.

"Teresa, wait stay together!" Ada heard Thomas say.

"I think we lost them!"

"Keep going guys! Let's go!"

"Watch out! Where are we even going." Ada heard Minho say.

"Come on, Aris. Let's go. Come on!"

"Over here!"

Ada's feeling dizzy with all the running. She felt like her body would collapse at any moment. Her mind told her to keep going and stay strong, but her body is already giving up. Unfortunately, her knees gave in and her body collided with the sand, but she was still awake. She can still move. She just felt too weak with a lot of things her body deprived of.



Minho was already on her side and quickly put her arm around his neck. Newt went to help too and put the other around his.

"Come on!" Teresa, who found a broken window, went inside the dark place.

"Teresa, wait!"


"Get down here!" Minho with Ada and Newt followed the blue eyed girl.

They stopped behind Teresa, and she could hear the others following behind them. Ada who was out of breath, released her arms from the brunette and the blonde on both her sides and sat on the ground.

"Hey." Minho quickly knelt down beside her.

"Ada, you alright?" Newt asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, you okay?" Teresa knelt down in front of her. "Yeah." Ada replied, her voice hoarse. "I'm fine."

"What happened to her?" Frypan asked.

"I'm fine." she coughed, "I'm just a little tired."

Minho searched the backpack and saw a filled water bottle, "Here."
"Thanks." Ada opened the water bottle and drank little of it, knowing that they'll be needing more.

Minho stood up, a flashlight he found on the backpack on his hand. He turned it on and looked around the abandoned place. "Where the hell are we?" He asked, facing Thomas.

Thomas only replied with the same thing he has been saying like a broken clock, "We gotta go." Newt helped the short haired girl to stand up and Minho quickly went beside her.

"Wait!" Teresa exclaimed, all of them looking at the girl. "What else happened, Thomas? Tell me."

"Me and Aris. We found bodies. Too many to count." With Thomas' answer. Ada remembered what WICKED do to them. Ada saw them. They were being drained.

i. ADA ✒ Minho [TMR] ✓Where stories live. Discover now