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MINHO WAS LAYED ON THE FIELD GROUND. Feeling the touch of the grass foliage that meets his skin and the warming yet dangerous sun. He slowly opened his eyes, the dark bags under them were evident. And now, another nightmare has begun. Squinting his mahogany eyes from the brightness overhead, he furrowed his brows in confusion, trying to deduce as to where he was. He immediately sat up and observed his surroundings, spiraling as his eyes began to grow wide. "No." He mumbled.

He was back. He's back in the Glade.

Or was he?

It became arduous for him to distinguish reality and hallucinations, because that's what WICKED does to you.

WICKED did nothing but mess with him. Mess with all of them. They absolutely fucked their minds. So fuck them for that. He still has a slight hope of liberation from the evil shanks and he's barely hanging on it.

Minho decided to look around, letting his feet guide him. He still couldn't believe it. Is this real? Or is this just in his head?

What happened to Ada? What happened to his friends?

He swore he heard their voices when he was in the train. Hope started to spark in him again, but that hope was quickly snatched away from him.

The thought of his girlfriend was the only thing keeping him sane. And he couldn't help but think that WICKED is one of the world's bane.

He was separated from them, and it's all because of her. They were friends, they trusted her and in the end, she betrayed them. Anger rose inside him as he thought of the traitor's face, but it quickly vanished when he heard the voice of the woman he loves.


Cautiously turning around, his eyes began to water as he faced his girl. Or an illusion of his girl?

There she was. The mahogany haired girl that made him melt and kept him sane. He gaped at her with longing eyes as tears began to blur his sight.

"You're okay, we're home." Her soft voice echoed in his ears as she flashed him a small smile, but he knew Ada would never utter those words. She would never consider the Glade as their home, if anything, it's prison. Anything that's WICKED is malevolent.

They were close to having a home. A safe and peaceful home, but they can't always get what they wanted.

The short haired girl sauntered near the baffled brunette, and stopped right in front of him, leaving a small space in between.

He knitted his eyebrows and shook his head, the tears started to fall down his cheeks but he quickly and roughly wiped them away. "Y-You're not real. This is not real. This is just inside my head." The Asian muttered, continuously shaking his head in denial.

"It doesn't mean it's not real."

"Why are you doing this to me?" He breathed out, his heart began to beat erratically.

"Calm down, Minho." The short haired girl in front of him cupped his cheeks. He stared at her mahogany eyes, wishing that it were real ; that she was with him again. Minho wanted to lean down and kiss her so badly, but he knew better. This wasn't her.

She dropped her hands to his shoulders and gently turned him around. "Look."

Minho couldn't believe his eyes. There was Chuck, and Alby, and Winston. They were laughing as they chattered. They were here. He stared at them with wide eyes.

"Don't you want this to be real?" Ada questioned, placing her chin on the brunette's shoulder.

With all of his honesty, he wants this to be real. He wants Ada by his side again. Alby and the others to be alive. The only ones missing were Thomas and the others. He wanted to be free from WICKED with all of them. So, of course he wants it to be real, but what he wants doesn't matter because even if this is a tempting beautiful mirage, it will remain just that.

"Hey guys!" The illusion of Ada called and the guys turned their attention to them, but they only stared with blank expressions. The void looks on their faces sent shudders down Minho's spine. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to do. And then suddenly, Ada abruptly grabbed his wrist and practically dragged him in to a hut.

But they never got in, and one second she was there, now she was gone. He really wishes to see her again. This is fucked up. They're messing with him.

He wasn't in the Glade anymore. He was in a tunnel with only little lights illuminating the dark area.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. This is just another nightmare. A nightmare he would never want to relive again. And here he was, reliving it.

Noises from the walls echoed through the tunnel. Carefully turning around, the Asian looked at the source of the noise.

Sweat was dripping down his forehead. Breathing heavily as the lights started to flicker as the walls moved apart. He dreaded to see what was coming.

And there it stood. A Griever.

Minho didn't wait any longer and ran like hell. He ran and ran in the endless tunnel, terrified that the Griever might catch him.

This isn't real.
This isn't real.
This isn't real.

He chanted over and over again, but it didn't make anything better.


He went to another path, hoping he would lose the metallic killing machine.

"Breathing levels looks strong." An unfamiliar voice of a man echoed through the tunnel, it distracted him for a bit but then the Griever reappeared.

He ran and ran again. He didn't dare stop. He eluded from looking back. His breaths were heavy as running made him exhausted but he never slowed down.

He was running, looking for another path. Suddenly, there was like a pull and a bright light. An unfamiliar man in a lab coat appeared, holding a medical flashlight pen on his right hand.

Then he was back again.

He turned to start running again but then he stopped. He doesn't know how. As much as he wants to move he couldn't.

He was like a puppet and WICKED was the one controlling him. His strings were in their grasp and he can't wait to cut them.

He screamed as he was suddenly shoved above the tunnel's ceiling with great force, that he didn't know where it came from.

He let out another cry, but a familiar metallic noise made him stop.

He stayed silent. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't move. Scream and it's over. He did what he was only able to do. He waited. He waited for its next move. He wanted this nightmare to be over. How can it stop?

He screamed as the Griever roared in front of him. He screamed in fear.

They were draining him, like the other kids. A nurse injected him and he slowly went unconcious.

If it weren't for Ada, he would go completely mad. She was the only one keeping him sane in that wretched place. He was grateful that she wasn't experiencing the torture he was going through right now. And he doesn't know what he'll do if he loses her as well.

i. ADA ✒ Minho [TMR] ✓Where stories live. Discover now