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ADA FELT BAD AT YELLING AT THOMAS. She grew up with him, thinking of him like her own big brother. Even if he didn't remember it, she did. And they still have that connection. She was so busy pondering that she didn't notice the blonde teenager limping towards her. She was oblivious of his presence until he sat down beside her. "I knew." was the first one he said.

"I caught a glimpse of your hand earlier. I didn't have the chance to talk to you." Newt stated and heavily sighed as he rested his calloused hand on hers, "I just want to tell you that you're not alone in this, alright? We're going to help you. We're going to do everything we can. There has to be something. There has to be a way..."

Ada let out a humorless chuckle before looking at the blonde teenager, crystal tears forming in her brown eyes.

"I like your optimism, Newt, but there's no chance left for me." She shook her head slightly as her gaze flickered back to the view of the buildings. "There's no remedy for this... I'll end up just like my mother." She paused, biting her bottom lip. She didn't want a hole in her head, but she will willingly take it when she needed to.

She remembered the image of her dead mother on the ground. A bullet hole on her head as Janson grinned in satisfaction. He didn't even feel any remorse and she felt sick to her stomach.

She shook her head, getting rid of the memory once again. That memory is one of the things she wished she didn't remember when she gained back her memories.

She felt immense repugnance and intense loathing to the rat-face.

It was a traumatizing memory, especially for a child.

"And besides, you shouldn't worry about me. We should focus on Minho. I shouldn't even have said it aloud earlier, I didn't mean to do that. I just... couldn't stop myself. I don't know why... It must be one of the symptoms, I guess."

"We'll find a way." Newt affirmed. A serious look smacked through his features as his gaze never shifted away from the girl. "We'll find a way." he repeated to reassure her, or more likely himself.

The mahogany haired girl just remained silent. She knew what was going to happen to her and she has now fully accepted her fate. She just wanted to see Minho for the last time before it's too late.

After a moment of comfortable silence. Ada decided to speak out again. "He needs us, Newt."

"I know." Newt stated. "That's why if there is even the slightest chance that we can save him, we can get him out of there, then we have to take that. No matter what the cost." The blonde glanced at the girl. "We'll find a way to save you too. No matter what the cost." He added.

Ada heaved a sigh. "I miss him."

"I know. I do too. We all do." Newt started, "That's why we're going to save him. He's going to get out of there and when we do, you go straight to him and look at him like-"

"Like you look at Thomas." Ada cut him off with a smirk on her face. The blonde's face grew red as he nervously chuckled.

"Is it that obvious?"

"It is..." the mahogany haired girl confirmed, "Fry noticed it too." Ada suddenly remembered what she said to Thomas earlier, "Ugh! I feel really bad for shouting at him. Why did I even do that?"

"It wasn't your fault, Ads. You were angry."

"Anger makes you stupid and stupid gets you killed." Ada argued.

Their conversation was cut off by someone clearing their throat. They quickly snapped their heads to where the source came from. They looked behind their shoulders to reveal that the person was Thomas.

"How long have you been there?" Newt gulped.

"Long enough..." Ada noticed a tinge in the brunette's cheeks, Newt did too. Thomas awkwardly shifted as the blonde stood up.

"Um, I'm gonna let you guys talk." Newt still had the blush on his cheeks as he went back inside.

As the door closed, no one spoke at first. The air was filled with silence as the pair waited for one of them to say something. Thomas shifted on his spot as the girl just stared at him. The brown haired girl cleared her throat before speaking out first. "I'm sorry." she said audibly. "I didn't mean what I said earlier. I was just-"

"It's alright, Ada. I understand. I'm the one who's supposed to be sorry. We have an opportunity and take it. For Minho." Thomas sauntered closer as the mahogany haired girl looked down on the concrete ground.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ada heard a crack in Thomas' voice.

"It didn't matter... It doesn't make any difference. We have to focus on saving Minho."

"We'll find a way. We'll find a way to save you."

Ada chuckled, "Newt said the exact same thing."

Thomas smiled slightly before his expression turned into a frown, once again.

"I once promised Minho that I'll never let the things that happened to the kids in WICKED happen to him." Thomas admitted as he knelt down beside the short haired girl, "I also promised him that I'll protect you when he can't."

"I failed him. Two times." Thomas paused as the a tear feel down his cheek. "I failed the both of you."

"Don't blame yourself, Thomas." Ada said. "You can't beat yourself up because you couldn't control the world."

"Minho wouldn't want that either." The mahogany haired girl added. Thomas looked up at his friend that is like his own little sister. His eyes were filled with tears. And his heart was encompassed with guilt.

"I'm sorry." Thomas sniffed before he continued. "We're going to do the plan. We're going to do it and save Minho."

Ada gaped at the brunette whose eyes was filled with determination. "No distractions."

Ada nodded as the corner of her lips twitched upwards. Thomas grinned as the mahogany haired girl flashed him an authentic smile.

"Let's go."


I absolutely feel like my writing is bad but
wow, I'm so active today I didn't even drink coffee
I think I'm possessed or something
3 chapters straight yay :)

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