Chapter Thirty-two!

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*Short chap/ unedited/ sry for the mistakes* 

Even though seven months have passed with his pregnancy, Win couldn't help but think about the agreement they once signed. Exactly a month later, it is going to exactly be their one year anniversary. For sure he knows Bright loves him with all his heart, but he couldn't help but think of other possibilities like getting divorced.

Sitting up on the bed, he tries to stretch his aching body. He sighs wearily, looking at the man beside him who happened to still be sleeping peacefully without a care for the world, and Win wants to hit him for how relaxed he looked like while Win is next to him suffering quietly due to the babies.

He forcefully nudged (more like punches) the man's rib with his arm, trying to disturb his peaceful slumber.

Bright jolts awake from the sudden hit in his rib, lazily blinking his eyes open as he stares at the ceiling above him. He sighs, oblivious to the man next to him as he closed back his eyes to try and sleep once more.

"Vachirawit Chivaree." The monotone and disbelief tone of Win wakes Bright up in a panic, sitting up on the bed as he looks at his pregnant husband with wide eyes frantically looking for anything bad that happened to him.

"What? Is there something wrong? Is he ready to come out? Oh my god-"

"Shut up," The younger hits him on the chest, interrupting the older man from rambling off into whatever the hell he was talking about. "Nothing's wrong."

He mumbles before going back to a resting position, covering himself with the comforter and snuggles his body pillow with content. "The babies and I are hungry, though. Please make us pancakes."

Bright sighs dreamily at his cute husband, a small smile plastered on his face while rubbing his eyes. "You are too cute, honestly. I bet the babies are going to be as cute as you too."

He murmurs, leaving the bed to go and make his lover and child some pancakes, but not before pecking his Win's pouty lips and his growing stomach. "I love you and our babies. God, they're going to be so cute."

Win snorts playfully, covering his smile with the blanket. "You're too cheesy. And i'm not cute." He replies in fake irritation at the leaving figure of the older.

The said older stops at their bedroom door to look back at his hubby with loving eyes and a grinning face. "It is my duty to be this cheesy to my lovely wifey. Also, you are literally the cutest. I know because my heart and eyes say so."

Placing his hands on his chest to emphasize as he replies once last time, winking at Win before he leaves to prepare breakfast.

Win couldn't stop smiling. He knew that even Bright knew they had only three days, and they have to talk about the agreement finally.


"Sweetcheeks, eat slowly please, or you'll choke." Bright states, staring at his eating husband who had stuffed his mouth with an overwhelming amount of pancake. "Honestly, you love pancakes more than me do you?"

Win alone would choke from the nickname the older called him, but calms down before actually choking for real. Placing the fork down on his plate, he looks at Bright and smiles innocently, blush visible on his face but doesn't try to hide it, "Isn't the answer obvious? I obviously love..." Bright perks up and waits impatiently for him to finish, wanting to know the answer. Obviously the answer is hi-"Pancakes more."

Bright gasps, jutting out his lips and fake sniffles at his cruel, giggling husband. "But, I'm the father of our babies!"

"What? I'm just stating the truth." Win giggles, sending a wink at the older who still continued to pout. Oh, how distracting those lips are. Win wants to kiss him right now, but he doesn't and instead went back to devouring his breakfast.

Bright's pout turns into a small smile at the sight of his cute pregnant husband. Bright still can't believe that they were going to have a baby boy and baby girl soon. It felt like it was only yesterday that Win announced his pregnancy, and that memory is engraved in his mind forever.

The younger notices the radiant grin on Bright's face, and he tilts his head cutely in confusion. "Why are you smiling?" he questions with an unintentional pout.

Bright, noticing the cute tilting and pouting, made his grin even bigger than before (if that was possible). "Because you're the cutest man I have ever seen in my life," he answers with a shrug, taking a piece of pancake into his mouth before continuing, "and that I'm so lucky to have you as my husband."


hope you liked it even though it was short ❤

its been a long tym, so how are you people?

a quick ques, what exactly is your reaction when this story gets updated? like when you the notification?

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