Chapter Thirty!

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*My second longest book wow*

By the time Win reached his second trimester, Win temporarily took a leave from the job due to his dear husband's pressure and stayed at home.

Although the two husbands haven't found out the baby's gender yet, Win has already started furnishing their baby's room. The carpeted room was just next to the master bedroom, and Bright had used his artistic ability to paint the night sky on the walls, with the moon, stars, clouds, all of that.

Bright had also put those glow-in-the-dark stickers, consisting of stars, on the white ceiling. The room was big enough, there was a white crib with yellow sheets on the left side corner with a white rocking chair next to it.

A big enough window was in the middle, where the changing station resided with stuffed toys displayed on top. A drawer that would soon consist of clothes for the baby was placed right across the crib.

Win loved the nursery room, and he couldn't wait for the baby to be born.

The house looked lively, the older loved how serious Win was with decorating their house, saying "This is our first baby's room. It has to look beautiful" and Bright only kissed Win to stop him from rambling on about making the house pretty or whatever.

It had been almost a week later, and the couple had a doctor's appointment to attend. It was the appointment the two had been eagerly looking forward to. It was the appointment where they'll finally find out the gender of the baby.

The younger couldn't help his excitement, hence he woke up earlier than usual, although the appointment was in the afternoon. Win stayed laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling above him which displayed those glow-in-the-dark stickers he had persuaded Bright to put up in their shared bedroom. 

The younger had his hand on his baby bump, rubbing it up and down as he let out an infatuation sigh at the sleeping Bright next to him.

Win felt giddy, and he doesn't exactly know why. It must be because of Bright. Always him.

Minutes of staring, the younger carefully and quietly got out of bed to freshen up, ignoring the cramp in his legs. He smiled at himself when he passed the mirror, looking at his obvious baby bump.

After washing his face and changing his boxers into sweatpants and wearing one of Bright's black hoodies, which by the way was big on him before his pregnancy but now fits him almost perfectly, he headed downstairs straight to their kitchen to cook breakfast.

He connected his phone to a built-in speaker in the kitchen and played some calm music in low volume to not interrupt his sleeping husband. He hummed along to the song currently playing, swaying side by side as he prepared the ingredients for a healthy soup and healthy fried rice.

Despite the low volume Win had played the songs, Bright still woke up, hearing the clanking noises in the kitchen and the warm presence gone by his side, he stretched and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looks at the clock on his bedside table. Six in the morning and Win is already awake. Bright smiled. He usually woke up by 6.30. Not so early.

He got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to clean up. After a while, he carefully headed down to see what his lovely pregnant husband was up to. 

He followed the delicious smell of fried rice and the soft melody playing in the kitchen, and he could hear Win singing along to it. A grin formed on his face, arriving in the kitchen.

Instead of approaching his pregnant husband, he leaned on the wall and decided to stare at him instead, taking in all his beautiful features, admiring Win and smiling lovingly at the noticeable bump despite the fact he was wearing a hoodie. 

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