Chapter Eight!

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^ PC to the rightful owner

After the somewhat friendly talk with Win, Bright made his way to his father's office. He was sure ready for the marriage by now. But under the terms of being it temporary.

"Hi pa" - he greeted his father who was now facing the window deep in thoughts of making his son's life better. His father turned to him with a relaxing smile.

"Bright, don't take it wrong that I am making you marry okay. It is for you and for the company. Hope you understand." - he said as he wanted nothing else than to give his son a better life.

"Yes, pa. Who is the person?" - though he was least concerned about the person, his curiosity caught the best of him.

"You know him"

"Know him??"

"It is Win" - his father said.

"Your secretary?" - it came out more like a question.

"Soon to be yours, Bright" - his father said pun intended which sure Bright noticed, but a very light shade of pink crept over his face which shocked both men in the room.

To hide his embarrassment, he gulped over the water from the nearby bottle. His dad didn't want to make it awkward, and so he didn't ask him anything.

Bright wasn't sure about the situation now. He sure developed a good environment with Win, but that was it. He never thought he would be getting married to the said boy, nor did he think he would be comfortable all of a sudden around him.

They were getting closer now, but the thought of marriage would mess it up all. They will have to live in the same house, wake up to each other, come to work together, and as cliche as it sounds to be, almost stay together 24/7.

"Okay pa" - that was the only answer he could provide from the running thoughts in his mind.

"Do you want to talk with him about this?" - his father asked.

"I will take care of that"- he answered as he made his way outside.

When he came outside, he saw Win working on his laptop, with so much concentration. He was so directed at work, that he did not notice a pair of eyes gawking him.

Bright, he was wondering how to start a conversation with Win now. Till this morning he seemed to be perfectly fine talking with Win. If he didn't care about the marriage he should be perfectly fine and act normal around Win right? But that didn't happen. Though his mind thought so, he heartfelt otherwise.

It was as if the minute his father said Win was the person, his heart started to feel something for the said person. But he was in denial to accept whatever he felt.

He was to do that marriage to be rich and successful, not to become a family person. Moreover, when it comes to family, he needed it to be bonded with love, not with mere papers.

As he went near the cabin, Win seemed to notice his presence.

"Bright are you okay?" - Win asked with hesitation.

"Why didn't you say it was you?" - it came out ruder than he expected to be. He was not angry on Win, he was just disappointed. This morning they talked and Win didn't tell him anything.

He isn't interested and I know that already. - Win thought.

He sure did know not to make Bright angry by the looks he was giving him.

"As you said it is just going to be for a year, then you will have your company for you and I will have my financial sorted out too. Sure I won't come into your personal life" - Win answered making a fresh cut on his already dead heart. Dead heart since his dad's death.

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