Chapter Seven!

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The CEO sure noticed the disappointment in Win's face. He does know this kid here has a crush on Bright. He was waiting for his response. It seems like he could hide his emotions well. Before the CEO could talk further, Win asked him.

"Sir, if you don't mind may I know who is that? Do I know the person?"





"Huh?, Me??"

"yes Win"

"But sir, I am no where equal to the young boss, I just can't do that"

"Win don't tell me you don't like him"

"Sir..." he paused for a second.

"I have seen you following him on Instagram for a long time. I know we follow many people, but I am old enough to differentiate between the way you see his photos and others."

"Sir you do know everything about me. I have even confessed to you ling back that I like Bright. Not every dream in life will come true sir. You know recently how hard I suffered just to keep my mother alive. Yesterday our home was broken. M-my sister is pregnant, and her boyfriend threatened us to pay huge money or give him our home." - he said slowly as tears made its way down his face.

"Sorry sir, but I already have many problems going on. I just can't take this responsibility, sir. I can't be a burden to Bright's life. He deserves more. He just can't marry a pathetic person like me"

"Win, listen to me. He sure will. Just give him a chance yeah? He doesn't know what love is Win. I can't play the mother role in his life. If a man sees his mother in a person, it is only his wife. In this case, it would be you. I know how caring and a lovable person you are. He can be a brat at times, but he is also a softie inside Win. He just doesn't know to express himself. He is trying to hide the pain, but I can clearly see that in him. Everyone talks to him for his money, but I know you don't like him for that. What you have for him is sincere affection which is otherwise love. Please Win. Let my son be a part of your life?"

Win could no more take in the pleading words of his CEO. He was more like a father to him in many situations. So he thought of thinking about his future.

"Sir, can I think about it? But I really don't have any savings now sir."

"Now, is really money is the only thing stopping you?"

Win does know money is not everything, but sure money makes people talk about everything. He had a great image in people's mince, what if they think he seduced the new boss? What if he had to pay back to his in-law's family and he in the process loses his family? All these things were clouded in his mind.

"If you are thinking about your home, nothing to worry, I will settle all the problems, that even if you don't agree with the marriage I will. Then for the marriage expenses, you don't have to worry even a little. Then about people at the office, I will take care of the situation so that no one talks about my son-in-law." - he said as though he could read what was going in Win's mind.

Win couldn't help but smile at his CEO's response. 

"So is that okay?"

"Yes sir"

"Yes, father" - Mr. Auwut corrected as he hugged Win tightly.

For the first time after so long, he felt like he was hugged by his father. Now tears flooded again from his eyes.

Mr. Auwut saw his son-in-law crying and he took his thumbs to wipe the tears from the child. "You are always like a son to me Win. But now even officially you are my son" - he said as his eyes too were filled with happiness and warmth. 

Now all that was pending was to see how Bright reacted to this.


Win noticed Bright getting down from his car from the top floor. He decided to make Bright's favorite drink. He did not want to impress because he was going to get married. He really cared for the elder. 

A green tea latte, while 2% milk steamed for 42 seconds more.

He did it the way he preferred, and by the time he took it to Bright's cabin, he was already there.

"Uhmm... Bright... I think you like this. I saw you enjoying this"

"Thank you Win. I was actually needing it. I am more stressed today."

"Did something happen?"

"Yes, my father just called me and said whoever the person he chose for me to marry accepted me He should have really wanted the money that he agreed to marry me, just for a year"

"Just for a year?"

"Yes, no way in hell would I live with some unknown guy for more than that"

"uh-- o--kay" - Win felt his throat dry.


What do you think about the one-year thing?

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Ignore my mistakes pls!

I hope you like the chap!


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