Chapter Sixteen!

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The whole week went by very fast as they both bonded over many things. From fanboying over Scurbb to cuddling in the bed, they did everything together. Morning kisses, together with breakfast, feeding each other, hot make-outs when the atmosphere gets heated up was all their things. But they never did more than just deep kissing.

When Bright knew Win could get pregnant, but with all the agreement thing, he didn't know what to do. He wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but he didn't have the guts ask Win. All the 'what ifs' questions in his mind were making him regret his thoughts.

On the other side, Win was ready to do anything to make Bright happy. Even though he knows this may be temporary, he is ready to lose his V Card to him since he loves Bright with all his heart.

Seven days of only them came to end after having all the cliche loving moments a couple can have. Except for the lovemaking.

The Monday morning alarm rang through the room they both rested in. It was the first day after their week's vacation. Tine woke up first to prepare breakfast for him and his husband.

He let Bright rest in and went to shower first. He then also prepared Bright's suit and tie and then proceeded towards the kitchen.

He made his favorite breakfast with a slight plating to it, which was Bright's favorite too.

He made his favorite breakfast with a slight plating to it, which was Bright's favorite too

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Soon Bright came to the kitchen, all suit up with his tie loosened up a bit. The familiar cologne made Win excited. This was new. Waking up with someone, getting ready together having breakfast before heading to the same workplace, everything was new for him.

Bright's faced lightened upon seeing the breakfast, and what made it more special was Win's heart. When he came near Win, he turned back to look into his husband. Bright leaned down to give a small peck on Win's lip thanking him for the breakfast. Win then set Bright's tie properly which was such a domestic couple act. And yeah Bright planned it.

He wanted Win to set the tie proper. Looking into his crescent eyes and the scrunched nose as Win set his tie was his new favorite morning routine. He was so much drunk in Win's love that he enchanted everything they did together.

"I just packed your laptop, charger, your Bluetooth headphones. You need anything else?" - Win asked casually. Bright was amused how Win was like a perfect wifey now. Compared to the question Win asked, he was more amused how Win acted towards him.

Sensing the adoring eyes of the elder, Win said, "Mon used to do that everyday dad used to go for work"- with a shy smile making his cheeks flare-up.

"You look so cute when you are all flattered wifey" - Bright said as he winked then leaned down to kiss Win's cheeks.

"Stop now, we will be late" - Win said escaping further flustering from his husband.

Bright chuckled as Win went upstairs to get dressed while Bright went to take his car. He looked into his bike that he used every day. Now he will have to give up his bike for Win.

Suddenly all his insecurities kicked in. When he stayed at home, he didn't think much of his outer world. But now that h stepped out after a week, he started to think about all his reasons for not getting married. Traveling long trips, bike rides, coffee shop weekends everything was things he liked.

Now that he is married, he can not leave Win alone and go, and also if Win did not like doing those things he will have to give up. Before he was very stubborn to do those things, but now he is willing to accept it if it is for Win.

He didn't know that he spaced out until Win said so.

"You are spacing out hottie" - Win said in a bit sharp voice since Bright couldn't hear him the before time.

"Ah sorry it is nothing.." - Bright says as he shifts his gaze from his bike towards Win. Win did not fail to notice that.

"Hottie, is it okay if we can go by bike" - Win asked and he for sure knows why Bright's face blossomed just by the question.

He was a fan of bike rides, which for a fact Win already knew. A plus of having a crush on him.

"You sure know how to take my breath away baby" - Bright mentioned and hugged him and took the house keys from Win and rushed to bring his bike keys.

Win just felt happy that he was able to make this day a better start for him and Bright.


They reached rather soon to the office. They received awkward looks as they were walking together. Just then Win realized to all the people in the office, Bright is the CEO's son and not Win's husband. So he slowed to let Bright walk. Bright frowned when he noticed that Win wasn't walking with him.

"We should act professionally in the office" - Win said a slight disappointment lacing over. And for sure Bright did not like the frown on his face. He pulled Win to the nearby lobby. Everyone had their suspicious looks on. 

"Baby, please don't be sad okay? I can go tell them you are my wifey now. Should I go?" - Bright asked as he withered his hold from Win.

"No, I don't want them to know" - Win said as he knows how he will be talked down if he knows he is married to the CEO's son in a short time.

Bright understood the worry and the cupped Win's face and kissed his forehead, then his eyes and then his nose, and then he placed a soft peck on his lips. 

"I love you nuisance"

"I love you handsome prince"


I hope you liked the boring chapter...

Sry for the mistakes 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

Have  a great day/night ❤


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