𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙓𝙑

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I got a popsicle for eun and rush back yo jeno but i saw him panicking alone. Where's eun?

”Hey jeno, where's eun?” he just shrugged his shoulder while calling eun's name. Eun's missing.

We searched for eun together in the big airport for like half an hour. Will i really lose him?

Im sobbing and near to cry but suddenly i saw a kid that look like eun from behind, talking to a tall man. I approach the boy and.. thank god its my eun.

I look up to thank that guy but getting heart attack when i look at him. Jaemin?

Without saying anything, i pulled eun, hiding him behind me. Why did he show up in front of my son suddenly?

”Its been a long time.. ”

Hearing his voice makes me sob even more. But i couldn't hold my tears and cry. I do miss him.. he left without words.

Jaemin's pov.

”Its been a long time.. ” i said looking at her with a smile. Seeing her son make me wonder, she probably got married with someone and had a good life.. im jealous.


She cried? Seeing me?

”Eun! Where did you go”, i heard a voice  from formal looking male rushing towards the two in front of me. He surely eunah's husband.. well i thought.

”Uncle is so worried, thank god you're okay”, that man said again while caressing that boy's cheek.

Uncle? Wait let me think.. eunah dont have a brother, she's the only child.

”Im okay uncle, but mummy.. why is mummy crying?” the boy said while looking at her mom.. worried.

She immediately wipe all her tears and put a dearly smile to talk to his child.

”We should go now, mummy just bought you a popsicle” she said while showing a plastic bag to him. I just stand there and watch them, i felt too guilty seeing her cry.

With a pout that boy called eun took a look at his mom ”Mummy sad so eun sad”

Cute. He look exactly like her.

Eunah suddenly take a glance at me but im not shock because i know she's crying because of me but i dont have any confident to comfort her.. because i know she'll resist. I know her too well.

”Hey eun, what's you full na—” my words got cut by eunah who still hiding her son. I just got curious.. who his dad is.

”Sorry we should go now, my son have an appointment to go” eunah said, still holding her tears not wanting her son sad.

The three rush opposite to my direction. I think she cant forgive me yet.

I was driving home from work and saw eunah walking down the street happily with a young boy. I decide to follow them from behind.

Seeing them from back makes me so happy without knowing why.

Suddenly eunah kneeled down and say something to her son and go to the toilet nearby.

Did she just left her child?

He left alone, playing with a blue toy car in his hand. I approach him while eunah's in the toilet.

”Huh, uncle airport!” he shouted as soon as he see me. He's so sharp, how can a 3 years old remember that.

”Shh shh, eun can i know your full name?” i asked, lowing my voice down. Incanse eunah will hear us.

”My name? Eun uwu”, i chuckled seeing this innocent boy trying to say his name.

”No eun, your first name” i asked stroking his soft hair.

”Eun dont know, mummy never—”

”Eun! What are you doing here?”

”I was.. passing by and i saw him alone so i decide to talk to him” i said defending myself confidently. She then sighed and grab eun's hand.

Suddenly she had a phone call, i saw her got shocked after seeing the caller's id.

”Yes mom” she said with a moody face but turned out to be a worried face after some second.

”Dad is having a heart attack?! Okay I'll go to the hospital now” she said and immediately turn her phone off.

She took a quick look at eun and sighed again.

”You can leave him with me” i said nervously. I afraid that she'll get mad everytime i talk to her :,)

She remains silent for a moment and then wispered something to eun.

”I have no choice, here, I'll pick him up here at five” she said asking eun to be with me for some time.

I guess she really have no choice.

𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙚𝙢 🍓 - 𝙣𝙖 𝙟𝙖𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙣 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now