PMHB ch30

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Neorah had been talking with Avel all evening, telling him all that she knew about the God of love. He ate it all up, never being satisfied. Neorah taught Avel as many scriptures as she could remember and he memorized them in a matter of minutes, each. Nothing hindered him. She was so proud to call him a brother in Christ and part of her extended family.

Then, he made a simple enough statement that made Neorah break down in tears and cry harder than she had in many, many years, “Neorah, Jesus just told me to apologize for something, whether or not you forgive me completely now or in the future, I know it needs to be forgiven.”

“What is it, Avel?”

“I’m so sorry for killing your parents and baby brother. I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t know any better. Please, please, Neorah, forgive me?”

Neorah’s eyes immediately overflowed and a million thoughts went through her mind at once.

So HE is the one responsible for my parents’ and baby brother’s blood! Then she thought, how am I supposed to react to this, God? Is this just as much a test for me as for Avel? I know what I’m supposed to do, but I’m going to need your help to achieve this amount of forgiveness.

Neorah didn’t even realize that the words had come out of her mouth, “I already have forgiven you, Avel. You have nothing more to burden yourself with.”

 Then Neorah heard a soft, still voice say, “Very good, Neorah. Now, give it to me and be free.”

“Did you say something?” Neorah asked Avel.

“No,” he said simply.

Neorah was so confused, “Are you sure you didn’t say something?”

Then she heard the voice again, “Neorah, give you troubles to me and I will bear them for you so that you may rejoice and be glad in my name.”

“Oh my! God, I will do as you say and give it all to you,” Neorah said, finally recognizing the Owner of the voice.

She stood in delight and jubilantly “Whooped”. Avel shot up and put his hand over her mouth and drew her ear close to his mouth saying, “Neorah, I am not trying to discourage your happiness, but the sound level by which you express it. If you shout too loudly, you may by bashed, maybe even killed. I know how Roman guards are, they will not pass up an opportunity to take advantage of a beautiful, young girl such as yourself.”

Neorah’s heart froze. Avel’s words hung in her heart so heavily that she could not even move. She felt his arms tentatively release from around her mouth and waist. She was about to thank him for his vigilance when they heard boots clapping down the hallway. The tension grew ever higher as they came closer and closer. It peaked when the feet stopped in front of their door and keys were heard being jangled outside the door. Then there was a “Click-click” and the door swung open.

“Get behind me, Neorah,” Avel said, quickly moving in front of her and placing his hands protectively on her waist as she cautiously peeked over his shoulder at what was happening.

“You two, come with me,” that was all the guard said, gruffly, pointing at Neorah and Avel with his pointer finger.

When Neorah started to try and walk toward the guards she felt Avel’s grip firm not allowing her to go anywhere.

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