The Pain that Made Her Beautiful ch8 (E)

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Hey, Everyone,

This chapter is also COMPLETELY different! I didn't include most of the old draft....

I am doing a research paper for my literature class here. The research includes cultural practices from ancient Egypt through Rome, all the way to today. Really interesting, but it really is revealing to me to brutality of the Ancient cultures of Rome, Greece, and Egypt...

I hope you all like the new changes!


*                        *                        *                                      *

"And they taste good too.” Warick’s voice was husky as he whispered hot breath in her face. He pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. The kiss was by no means tender, but rough, crude, and full of a deep lustful, wanting.

Nayeli was appalled at the man’s behavior. Though she did not return any feelings, she held on to him, Hermun’s threat to harm Neorah always present in the back of her mind. She would not subject Neorah to the kind of life she had known.

When he withdrew, Nayeli let her poise return and placidity return to her face. No matter how angry she was at this act of uncensored lust and prehistoric expression of longing, Nayeli would not show the anger that roiled inside of her.

“See…” Warick said, smugly,” playing with toys is fun.”

“Even if they are of not the same mindset?” Nayeli was testing the waters with that remark, but she dared to show her anger with the cunning of a fox.

“I’ve experienced that one toy is never enough, Nayeli,” her eyes shot up to meet his when she heard her name, “I have another toy. It is not quite as perfect as you, my dear. However, push me and I will be tempted to give this toy to my brother. He gets jealous when I keep the best for myself.” Warick tested Nayeli’s hair between his fingers and stepped behind her. His arms were even bigger than Hermun’s. Warick wound them around her waist and whispered huskily, “Walk.”

Nayeli did as she was commanded and stepped forward out of his beastly grasp. When Warick again stepped forward and entangled her again they were about fifteen yards away from the wagon circle. He whispered, “This will do just fine. Stop here.” She did as she was commanded. “Alan, you can come out now.”

*         *         *         *

Neorah was in line. Warick, the man responsible for the death of her family, and his despicable brother Hermun were transcribing the names of all the captives on a piece of parchment on a makeshift table of rope, large sticks from around them on the forest floor, and a flat piece of wood that looked to have been made and brought for this very purpose. Nayeli was behind her in the very back of the line. Why do I feel like we were placed in this line in this exact order for a reason? She shuddered mentally, God, protect me, please.

“Name.” Warick declared as she approached the table. If I just don’t make them angry, they will be lenient.

“Neorah, my lord.”

Warick’s eyes met hers, “Alan, this is she that you spoke of? The whom the other girl was with in the wagon?”

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