PMHB ch14

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Even though she was in as much pain as she was, Nayeli knew she could not break and had to hold fast to her statements to Avel. She would stay true to the other girls; she would not… she could not let them suffer for her lack of motivation. She led the soldiers to the edge of camp and said to Avel, “if you ask more men to come and be with you, I will go fetch the master and bring him here to make the settlement.”

Avel nodded and waved over fifteen or twenty other men. Nayeli tried to step off, but, with cat like reflexes, Avel latched on to her arm and said, tenderly, “wait.”

She did as she was instructed. But every second that he held her back to wait, Nayeli’s trepidation of the possible coming events grew more and more prominent in her mind even though she tried as hard as she could to avert her thoughts anywhere she could. Every time she brushed over her memories to find another topic to think of, she could not avoid the most painful: the loss of her family in Cairo, her enslavement, and the first time she had been punished by lord Thanos. The most prominent of all the memories was how frightened she had been, and still was, throughout all of the events’ unfolding. Nayeli remembered thereafter the increasing amount of things she did wrong, “don’t look your master in the eye,” “don’t feel intimidated, but act so, it will help you avoid much hurting,” and so much more. She remembered Jamal, how tenderly he had cared for Nayeli, and how, through is relentless instruction; she had learned to be a proper slave.

“Nayeli. Nayeli,” a voice echoed and brought her out of her trance, “You may go now. I have brought two of my best and trusted guards to me and they are to escort you wherever you go from now on, if I am too busy to do so,” Avel said, giving the guards a look that was more of a threat to their manhood than information to Nayeli.

“I take my leave,” Nayeli said, and stepped off. The guards followed after her, giving her a few paces. She stopped and looked at them, keeping her eyes downcast, asking, “do either of you have the location master Warick?”

The man on the left of her answered and told her he had spied him when he had escorted some of the girls to the river to draw water.

“Can you take me to him, please?” Nayeli asked kindly, as to not kindle any hard feelings toward her within the first few moments of fulfilling their duties.


She followed the man for about twenty yards until they took a hard right and walked on a narrow trail that then opened to the river moving easily and slowly. To their right was a small knoll that rose above the river. Atop the knoll was a boulder, where upon was sitting Warick. He was doubled over, his head resting in his hands. He looked to be struggling with something and Nayeli was torn to bother him with that which he did not have the time, or the energy, to deal with.

Nayeli turned to the two men and said, “would you go back a few yards so I can speak with the master with a small amount of privacy?”

The guards nodded their consent and turned to walk a few paces away. Nayeli turned and slowly walked toward Warick.

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