PMHB 43.5

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Hey everyone. First off, I would like to thank everyone who has been reading, voting, and commenting. I really appreciate all of it!

I am, as of right now, going back to the beginning of the book, on my computer, which is 200 pages long, and am revising, editing, and going through it with a fine tooth comb so that the whole book is in the same style and up to the same advancement as the most recent parts that I have been writing.

I started this book 4 years ago, almost exactly, in my high school sophomore creative writing class. In about 2 months, I will be starting my second year, fall semester in college, where it all began.

Since then, my writing style and ability have significantly developed since then and I need to go back to the beginning and tie everything together with the same style and feel. So, don't forget to start from the beginning. I already have almost the first 3 chapters that are up on Wattpad already done.

So, please continue to comment on the new product as you read it and let me know what you think of it now.

All of the chapters that I have already gone through will have a (E) next to it in the Table of Contents.

God bless y'all.


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