PMHB ch28

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Neorah opened her eyes to see the wall next to her cot. When she tried to move and stretch she felt the blankets ruffle up under her as she turned over. When she opened her eyes after stretching, she spotted a welcome surprise on the opposite side of the room. It was Avel! She jumped out of bed only to fall back down at her head’s protesting. She guessed that she had hit the wall on the way down because Avel’s eyes snapped open to the noise.

Neorah sat forward and put her head in her hands, rubbing her temples. As she did so, Neorah heard Avel rise and walk over to her, sitting next to her. He placed his hand in the middle of her back, between her shoulder blades, and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to try anything.”

Neorah chuckled slightly and sat up. She threw her arms around him in welcome and said, “I’m so glad to see you! I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t come when you did, Avel.”

He returned her hug after a moment and then pulled her back. Avel placed his hands on Neorah’s shoulders and said, “Nayeli thinks you are dead! We all thought you were dead.”

Neorah felt as though someone had just stabbed her in the stomach. How? What! That was impossible. Nayeli had to know that she was alive. There was nothing for it.

“I—what? She…” Neorah said brokenly. She was in a state of shock, her head was whirling, Nayeli had to know that she was still alive. Neorah just sat there, staring past Avel, blankly.

“I’m sorry to have been so rash, but I didn’t know what else to say. I—“

“No,” Neorah said, “no, it’s ok. I appreciate your frankness. It’s just shocking that everyone still thinks I’m dead.”

Avel moved his hands from her shoulders and to her neck. He used his thumbs to prop up Neorah’s face so that he could look at her eyes, which were starting tear up. Avel put his hands on either side of Neorah’s face and wiped her tears away as she closed her eyes.

“Look at me, Neorah,” Avel said tenderly, “What happened?”

“I… I think I actually did die. I remember the Roman guards attacking and then something hit me right up here,” Neorah said tracing her scabbed over gash, “ then there was a white light and what seemed to me to be only a few moments turned out to be an hour and a half or so. Then I heard a Voice. I know that it was only one Person; it was Jesus! He said, ‘Neorah, I know that you don’t want to, but you have to go back, it is not your time yet.’ Then I opened my eyes to this room, fell back asleep, and you know the rest.”

“Wow! You’re nuts, but for, as nuts as you are, I know you aren’t lying to me. You have honesty in your eyes. Will you tell me about him?”

“You need not even ask,” Neorah said with glee.

She proceeded to tell Avel of the incredible healings that Jesus had performed while He was on the earth, the fragments of His teachings that her parents’ had been present for, and then the capture and execution He had faced: forty-nine cattail lashings and crucifixion.

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