Grady is a scary man

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We watched Keefe run away with his ladder and... mini watermelon launcher? Keefe is full of surprises. 

"Does this happen every day?" Tam said pointing at the partially cleaned watermelon mush.

"Pretty much. Last time it was cantaloupe." I told him.

He stared at me

I stared back

Then I started laughing

He started laughing too. Soon we were wheezing on the floor next to each other. 

"Hey guys why aren't you down? It's break-" My sister started. Then she spotted us.

"What happened to you?!" She gasps.

Linh comes and spots Tam.

"I've never seen him laugh so hard in my whole life! I think he's having a heart attack?! CPR CPR!" Linh yells

After 10 minutes of CPR on poor Tam, our laughter subsided and we went down to eat.

"Cammie This is really good!" Linh said to My sister, while eating the pancakes she made

"Thank you!" My sister replied with a smile.

"Hey Guys I just realized we didn't eat dinner last night." I said.

We all stopped eating.

"I'll take another stack please!" Tam, Linh, and I said.

Cammie laughed. "coming right Up!" She said and got to work

"Hey Soph, Where are your parents anyway?" Tam asks politely.

"probably working..." I said glumly.

"oh..." Tam said and left it at that.

"Since it's Saturday, Do you guys want to go shopping?" Linh says excitedly.

"Linh we need to g-"

"Sure That'll be fun!" My sister said to Linh.

Me and Tam glared at her.

"Yay! What about we go home and change then we meet up at Atlantis Mall?" Linh says.

"Ok! Here, Put your contact on our phones. You too Tam." I said giving up.

After exchanging numbers, we put our plates away in the sink and My sister started washing them.

"Thanks for letting us stay over." Tam says with a shy smile.

So...Cute... AAA What am I thinking! I'm pretty sure he likes Biana...I think. He doesn't like me right?

"No Problem it was fun!" I replied.

We both subconsciously stared at each other. My sister walked up behind me and smirked. She tapped me on the shoulder. I woke up. 

Oh crap Was I staring at him? ygtdryfjgkhlkjhdszcghuuytres

I blushed madly.

"Well, see you in an hour!" I said.

Tam Woke up and started blushing too.

"Y-yeah see you!" he said and left. I closed the door.

Both Tam and Sophie's POV

"Imma kill you!" I said to my sister and Tackled her. 

Back to Sophie

My sister slipped out of my grasp and started Running around the room while I chased her.

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