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ok so this is a really big turning part in my story, so if your sensitive to stuff like this, you dont need to read it ok? I wrote this in a tough time of my life, but I'm ok now! Ok, enough of the chit chat, here we go!

" I really liked the cookies you made Sophie! I know they were pink and fluffy and glittery, but they were delicious!" Tam said quickly, with a shy smile.

"Awwww Thanks Tam! It's my special cookie recipe, called Alicorn cookies!" I told him with a smile. In the corner of my eye, I could see Linh frowning, but she quickly shook it off and smiled.


                                                                        Time Skip


"Bye Guys!" I said as I waved Tam and Linh goodbye as they headed to their Uber. Linh waved back and Tam smiled. He looked kind of red, but maybe it's just the dark. I closed the door and turned toward my sister, who was facing me, her hands on her hips.

"Ok, short stack, go get ready for bed, its 8:00. You had a long day." She told me.

"Alright." I said and walked to my room where I changed into my PJS, brushed my teeth, and went to bed.


                                                                           Time Skip


 It's 11:00 Pm and I can't sleep. I've been staring at the ceiling for the past hour and it's making my eyes sore. I roll over to the side and I can hear Miles snoring like a train from the other room. I smile. Of course, I don't get up because I don't want to wake Miles Express, so I just lay in bed. Besides, even if I did get up, he would sleep through it. Miles can sleep through literally anything. 'Its Kind of stuffy in here. Maybe I should open my window.

so I do. I go over to my window and open it up, sticking my head out and getting a big deep breath. The air is Icy cool compared to my stuffy room and I happily breath it in, closing my eyes. suddenly, I'm grabbed by the hair and a gag is slipped over my mouth and nose before I can scream. I hold my breath for as long as I can, which is 5 minutes, but open my eyes to see a figure in black, but is a little blurry. But wasn't blurry was the steel shiny point of the butcher knife he's holding. My eyes widen and the blood drains from my face and I start to struggle out of the grasp of the man holding me, but his arms just get tighter and tighter. I'm starting to get dizzy from the lack of oxygen, but I refuse to breathe. The man with the knife gets closer and closer and I was so scared I lost my breath and I breathed in. The sickly sweet scent filled my nose and my eyes started to droop. My struggles get weaker and my mind shutting down. The man with the knife is standing in front of me now, and I can hear his sadistic laughter.

Oh Lord, please not yet! Please please not yet! 

That was my very last thought before I fell into darkness.

"OH NO" They all say

"OH YES!" I say

Hi guys! YES I'M ALIVE!!!! Anyway, I know that was a dark chappy, but I thought this book needed a little bit of spice so I gave it some spice. I really hope you like this book so far, and please tell everyone to read it!!!

Happy Morning, Noon, and night!

P.S- I'm changing Mika's name to Cammie ok? It's short for Cassidy.

Love you!

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