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I dragged Tam to Atlantis shopping mall. I'm  not really excited but It gives me a good excuse to hold is hand.

Wait WHAT. I can't like him. I still think he Likes biana. And I'm probably right. Right?.

I turned around and looked at him. He smiled at me with his cute, shy smile. I blushed and smiled back.

Why am I blushing?

I turned back around and caught up to my sister. Tam and I stopped and started walking with them. They already seemed to be in deep conversation about... makeup?

"Yea I really Like L'Oreal! What About you?" My sister said.

"I like Clique." Linh replied. "But L'Oreal's Mascara is so cute!" She said.

"IKR! It's perfect in every-"

I tuned them out and looked at Tam. He looked bored.

"Wanna ditch them?" I whispered to him.

"Yes please." He replied.

When they turned Left, we turned right. When they were out of sight I started to jog away. We both cackled evilly. Some people passing us stared. One mother covered her child's eyes. 

"So where do you want to go?" i asked him


"What about Hot Topic?" I said


I laughed. "Alright then!" 

We ran all the way to Hot topic which was on the other side of the mall, and when we got there we were out of breath.

"you......Ready?" I asked Tam.

"If.......... you are....." He replied.

He grabbed my hand and we walked in and started to shop.

They had some cute tees and jackets that I liked and some cute key chains and stickers too. I Think Tam found some tees and Jackets too. We went into the music aisle and We saw two familiar faces.

 Fitz's POV

I was in the music aisle with Keefe when I spotted Tam and Sophie. Sophie looked stunning. She should be a model. I've never seen anything more beautiful than she is right now. Then I looked down. Tam and her were Holding Hands. Why is this such a big deal to me I don't know. But now I have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach where I usually felt warm and fuzzy. I felt empty. I wonder why. I don't like the feeling and I need to get rid of it. Does it have to do with Sophie?  I have to find out. I'm not used to this. I whispered something in Keefe's ear.

"We have to split them up. You with me?" 

He hesitated. Then quickly nodded. I grinned.

If I split them up this feeling will go away. I know it.

Sophie's POV

I walked up to Keefe and Fitz. 

"H-hey guys!" I said.

"Hey Foster!"

"Hi Sophie." Fitz said glumly.

"Fitz? Are you alright?" I asked. He looked at me.

"W-why wouldn't I be?" He said his eyes locked on something. I followed his gaze and it landed on Me and tams entwined hands.

Does Fitz think we're dating? We definitely aren't. We're just friends!

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