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After we got home, I ran up to my room and flopped onto my bed. 

yesssss soft beddddddd. I thought. I flopped to the side and faced my drawer. on the top I could see a hint of purple.

What is that? I wondered. I sat up and looked on top of my drawer. and there it was. 

it was a purple journal

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it was a purple journal. next to it was a index card that read:

Dear Sis,

Your probably at school by now but here is a journal that you might want to write in to cherish your memories. if your wondering, I jumped up onto your window. Anyway, I hope you like it. I know one of your favorite colors is purple so... that's the color I chose! I also left a hoodie for you inside your closet. I hope you like it. Anyway I have to go back to work before Boss catches me. I love you and I will come visit in a month! 

                                                                                                                   Your favorite Sister,

                                                                                                                                                             Cammie (Cam Cam).

 After reading the note I went to my closet and pulled out the hoodie. here it is:

She knows me too well

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She knows me too well. I quickly slipped the hoodie on. it was very very soft and comfy. Usually my sister is a spy for an organization who is trying to stop another organization that is trying to take over America, so she wasn't around much.  But when she was, she is the funnest person you could ever meet. I miss her.

I looked out my window and saw mom who was checking on the kittens. walking downstairs, I went outside to say hi. When I got closer, one kitten, the boy, looked at me. He started mewing and tried to get to me.

"Well it seems that kitten likes you!" Edaline smiled as I picked him up. He snuggled into me and started purring. 

Too cute! I thought. 

"mom can we keep him?" I asked.

Edaline thought for a while. 

"will you feed him?" 


"will you bathe him?"


"will you play with him?"


"ok then it's settled! that's your new kitten!" Edaline exclaimed.

"Thank you mom!" I squealed. The kitten started mewing too!

"But what will you name him?" She asked.

I thought for a minute.

"Iggy" I said.

"Why Iggy?" She Asked.

"Because when I was younger I used to pretend I had an imp named Iggy." I replied.

Edaline chuckled.

"Then it's settled. Iggy   is now your pet. And he will sleep in your room." She said.

"Alright. I'm going to go up to my room ok?" I said.

"alright." She replied

as I was walking to the house she said,

"Where did you get that hoodie by the way?" Edaline asked.

"Sis." I replied grinning. "you might want to check your room. And mom, where's dad?" I asked.

"He was driving home when he found a injured bird. He took it to the vet. He should be home soon."  She replied.


i went Inside my room and grabbed one of my floofy blankets and made a misshapen cat bed. I slowly set iggy down inside. He quickly laid down and fell asleep. I internally squealed. I turned back to my diary. On top of it was a box of catnip.

Where did that come from? i Thought.

I picked it up and it said,

For Iggy from sis ;)

That woman... you know what THANKS SIS but I need to sleep. I walked up to my window and screamed


as I closed my window I'm pretty sure I heard a goodnight back.

729 Words!

Hi guys! here is the 6th chapter! I am very proud of myself. I hope you guys like this story as much as I do.  I wish quarantine would go away, but it's not leaving. I just got notified that my school is starting in August. YAYAYAY *sarcasm* anyway, I'm going to start working on the next Chapter, so be sure to read it! And Don't forget to follow me so you don't miss a chapter! And plz comment! Have a great day! (night)

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