Chapter 41

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"Why are you wearing a such revealing dress?" Levi scolded Y/n as she came out of the changing room with her costume.

"What? It was part of my presentation, Levi. You'll like it, I promise." Y/n smiled before kissing Levi's cheek.

"I know that I'll like it, I already love what I'm seeing but think about the other horny f*ckers." Levi took Y/n's jacket and wrapped it around her shoulder and zipping up the zipper.

"What the f*ck? Levi, take this off me. My costume is not that revealing. The front and back has sheer skin tone fabric to cover me, my boobs aren't gonna spill out." Y/n said, struggling to take off the jacket.

"That skirt is too short for my liking." Levi crossed his arms across his chest, looking at Y/n with a bored expression on his face.

"What do you want me to do? Force Armin to make me another costume in 20 minutes because you don't like it? Don't be an assh*le, Levi." Y/n glared at him.

Levi sighed in annoyance and unzipped jacket before putting it on her properly. They walked out of the room to watch the other's presentation with Bertholdt and Reiner, including Mikasa, who is representing Japan in female category.

Other skater were checking Y/n out while she was not looking. Levi, being the protective boyfriend he is, he pulled off his jacket that he was wearing and wrapped it around Y/n's waist.

Y/n looked at him, her eyes asking why did he do that. Levi didn't answer but instead, he put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer so their hips are touching.

They watched the performances and cheered for their teammates and friends, well Y/n did, Levi just nodded at everyone who smiled at him.

"It's my turn! I'm going to make you proud." Y/n smiled as she hugged her coach, Eren, who was standing next to her. Levi looked at her as Bertholdt and Reiner told her their good lucks. She walked over to Levi, pulling his by the neck and kissing him passionately. Levi kissed back and they began making out with Levi being the dominant one. Y/n giggled into the kiss making them both pull away.

"Good luck, love you." Levi whispered as he let go of Y/n.

"Love you too." She smiled and got on the ice, waving to the audience as they cheered.

"Known as the Phoenix, finally revealing her real and only name, Y/n L/n!"

The Y/n stood in the middle if the rink and posed. Once her music starts, Levi facepalmed himself.

'Oh yeah
Don't need permission
Made my decision to test my limits'

Y/n began gliding on the ice, touching her waist and moving almost seductively.

'Somethin' 'bout you' She made her first double lutz, nailing it perfectly. 'makes me feel like a dangerous woman'

Levi swear that he saw her wink to him, and that made him flustered. Reiner and Bertholdt, who was next to him, can see it without a doubt.

'All girls wanna be like that
Bad girls underneath, like that
You know how I'm feeling inside'

Y/n's eyes were close as she skated around, just feeling the music.

"What the f*ck are you doing to me, brat." Levi looked down, trying not to get turned on with her.

Bertholdt and Reiner cheered as Y/n finishes her song. Y/n waved at the audience and bowed. She skated to the open side of the rink with a huge smile, proud that she didn't mess up her performance. Reiner and Bertholdt hugged her tightly, lifting her off the ground. She laughed before they put her back down. Y/n walked to Levi and hugged him tightly.

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