Chapter 3

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As both of the groups unintentionally ignored each other, someone shouted Y/n's name, causing both of the group to turn around to see what is it about. Y/n looked around to see a child smiling at her. Y/n smiled and waved at the child. The child pulled her father towards the group. "Umm... Hi. Can we take a picture with you?" The child simply asked.

"Of course." Y/n said and kneeled down to be the same height as the child. As the father took a picture, the other group looked at them. One of them spoke up.


"Who?" Hanji asked.

"Titans, the Canadians. Your competitors. They're competing for the Olympics this year." Coach Erwin Smith explained. "That's Eren Yeager. He must be their coach. He was one of my closes friends but when he ruined our friendship by joining Canada."

"That girl seems familiar..." Levi said as he stared at the h/c haired girl that is currently walking away with a grin on her face.

"It's the Y/n, you idiot. She's known as the Phoenix. No one knows her surname though." Hanji said out loud as she read the google wikipedia article from her phone.

The group continued walking to the skating rink while talking strictly about figure skating and Smith's rules. While the other group walks to a nearby cafe, ordering a cup of tea or coffee for each of themselves. "Who designs your costumes again?" Yeager asked.

"Zeke Yeager and Armin Arlert, sir." Bertholdt politely said.

"Ahh... No need to call me sir." Yeager said, chuckling. "We are a family here."

The skaters talked about every topic that is connected to each other and the things that they like. "My father is a Canadian and my mother is a  Japanese. I was fourteen when we moved to Canada and right then, I started my career in figure skating." Y/n explained.

"I'm a half as well. I started representing Japan when I was still a teen and moved to Canada after winning two Olympic and a Worlds."

Time passed and it's sun down. " Looks like it's time for me to go. Are you all free for tomorrow evening?" Yeager asked.

"Yes. We don't have anything to do tomorrow evening." Reiner said.

"Let's go to dinner. I'll message you guys when and where. Bye everyone, Mikasa must be waiting for me." Yeager said.

"Let her know that I said hi." Y/n said

"Will do. Bye." Yeager said as he walked back towards his car.

"So, where are we going now?' Bertholdt asked.

" Let's go back to the rink?" Y/n offered.

"Sure." Reiner said.

They walked back to the stadium and put on their skates again. The other group is still there and doing their new routines as their strict coach shout an order. "Can you go a bit faster? There wasn't enough momentum for that jump." The coach said annoyed.

The guy skated faster and jumped, he did good on the jump but didn't make the landing, causing him to fall on the ice and wince in pain. Y/n looked back to the group and got distracted. She looked back at the direction where she was going and she yelped and slammed to the wall in full speed. She fell to the ground and held on to her head, which was bleeding badly. "Y/n!!" Reiner and Bertholdt screamed in unison and skated towards their friend.

The other group looked at them including Levi, who was still on the ground and groaning in pain as Petra rub his arm and slowly pulling him up. Reiner and Bertholdt in the other hand, Pulled Y/n of the ice and carried her to a chair as blood drip on the icy floor. "What happened?" Bertholdt asked.

"I looked around because the guy fell and I got distracted and f*ckin' hit the wall." Y/n chuckled as Reiner pulled out a small first aid kit from his back pack. He began to clean, sanitize and wrap her head.

"Any more injuries?" Bertholdt asked.

"No more. Just my head. Let's go, I need to clean that blood." Y/n laughed and stood up then walked back to the skating rink. She skated to the bloodied floor and started to scratch the frozen blood with her blades. She then took her small handkerchief and took the frozen blood while laughing.

"What the hell..." Reiner said.

Y/n skated back to the exit and threw her handkerchief away in the bin. "I miss my cat." Y/n suddenly said.

"Levi is in good hands. Historia's there to take care of him." Reiner said as they skated in circles.

"But I still miss him." Y/n said as she landed her jump. "I wish Levi is here." She mumbled that only her heard it.

They began sloppily performed their routine. She laughed as she fell and slipped countless times. She slammed on the wall again but didn't stood up. While she laid on the floor motionless, the other group of skates slowly skated towards her body. Hanji patted Y/n's arm. Y/n rolled to face her. "Miss. Are you alright?" Hanji asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Y/n sat up and stood up. "Thanks for checking. I'm just resting my back for a bit." She skated away and spins in a circle until she sat and kept spinning on her butt.

"Shes weird..." Levi said, skating away.

"She is... She's a bit bipolar." Bertholdt said suddenly.

"You're Bertholdt Hoover." Hanji said, smiling.

"Yes, I am." Bertholdt blushed. "I should go. See you." Then he skated away.

"He's shy." Hanji commented.

Bertholdt approached Y/n and said, "Let's go back to the hotel. It's dark out side."

"Pull me." Y/n smiled. Bertholdt agreed and pulled her towards to exit of the rink. Bertholdt carried her to the bench and they took off their skates, Reiner Joined them they packed up their things.

"I can't believe I've wasted my time packing my costume. We didn't even used it. I though we're using it today." Y/n laughed and skipped to the exit to match the steps of Bertholdt and Reiner, her tall brother figures.

The three went back to their hotel room. Coach Yeager messaged them for the dinner and they all agreed on the set time and restaurant. At the end of the day, they slept peacefully.

While the group of four made a reservation at a restaurant for a dinner tomorrow evening. They went on their separate ways and did their own routines before going to sleep.

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