Chapter 36

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Bertholdt held onto Y/n's waist as they skated together, training for their next competition. Bertholdt was very thankful when Levi allowed him and Y/n to skate as partners. He could sense that something is wrong with Y/n when she couldn't land some of her jumps in the routine. He tried asking Y/n what happened but all he got was a 'I'm fine' or a 'I didn't get enough sleep'. He didn't want to ask Levi to give him privacy but something is wrong with his best friend.

He helped Y/n to her feet as she laid on the icy ground, tired and bruised up. "Y/n, there's something definitely wrong with you... What is it?" He asked as they skated to the opening of the rink.

Bertholdt told Eren that they will take a rest for a bit and Eren agreed to him. Both skaters sat on the bench and sighed. Bertholdt took Y/n's skates off for her to let her feet rest. As he sat next to her,she thanked him before leaning against his shoulder. "You've never been this tired... You know you can tell me anything, so what is it?" Bertholdt asked again.

"I-It's just that... I think Levi is cheating on me... I don't want that to happen. I-I when I video chatted with him, I saw him with a purple mark on his neck and-and he tried denying it. It was no doubt a hickey." Y/n said slowly as Bertholdt listened to her patiently.

"But he told you the truth, right?"

"I guess so... He told me that he and his coach, along with his designer, went out for a drink and he got home with it without knowing where it came from..." She looked down before sighing and asking, "Do you think he's lying?"

"I think not. Why would he do all that to impress you? To make you his, just for nothing? I believe that he is telling you the truth."

Y/n nodded and said, "Thank you, Bertholdt."

"You're welcome. I'm not love expert but I know when a guy really do love a girl." Bertholdt wrapped his arm around Y/n's small body, she smiled

"Can I lay down on your lap? I want to take a nap."

"Sure." He answered and patted his lap. She laid her head on Bertholdt's lap and closed her eyes. "Can I play with your phone? Mine is still charging." Bertholdt asked.

"Yeah sure. Continue my Candy Crush, I can't play the level anymore." She chuckled and fell asleep.

Bertholdt did what she told him to do. "Geez, it's so hard." He whispered to himself as he lose another game. As he continued to play the game, someone began calling Y/n's phone. It's Levi.

Bertholdt panicked and accidentally accepted the call. Levi began talking.

"Thank god you answered. I missed you so much, brat." Levi talked. Bertholdt didn't answered but stared at the phone with wide eyes. "Brat? You still there?"

Bertholdt took a deep breath and answered. "Um Hi. This is Bertholdt, I was playing with Y/n's phone when you called. I panicked and accidentally answered your call."

"Where is she?" Levi answered.

"She's taking a nap."


"O-on my lap. We always do this, don't worry. She's just taking a rest, long day of training. She told me she didn't get enough sleep last night too." Bertholdt said.

"Why didn't she get enough sleep?" Worry laced through Levi's voice.

"U-u-um she told me that- that you look like um... That you're cheating. You wouldn't do that, right?"

"N-no, I wouldn't cheat on her."

"Good. C-can I continue to play on her phone now?"

"Yeah you can."

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