Chapter 13

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A/n: The drawing above is my original drawing. I made it just for this story.

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The titans walked in to the scouts dressing room to exchange good lucks before the competition. "Petra!!" Y/n tackled Petra in a hug, which she returns. "I'm so excited to see you!! Good luck." Then they let go.

Bertholdt and Reiner exchanged a few words with Levi antd Oluo before Petra. Y/n walked over to Oluo and gave him a hug of good luck. She walked closer to Levi and offered her hand to him. He looked at it and shook it. Y/n smiled at him before walking away with Bertholdt and Reiner.

Petra walked closer to Levi. She was wearing a white dress, stockings and white skates. Her hair curled neatly, her make up is on fleek and a set of pearl necklace was wrapped around her neck. She look innocent, beautiful and graceful. A perfect skater as people would say.

She smiled at Levi, assuming that it reassures him. Levi rolled his eyes at her. "Tch. You have something on your teeth, brat."

Petra's eyes widen as she rushed in front of a mirror checking her teeth. "There's nothing there, Levi."

"Exactly, I was trying to get rid of something in front of my face." He pulled out his phone and sat on a small couch. He scrolled through his phone, checking for any topic that could distract him.

"You're an assh*le." Petra said, crossing her arms.

"Always. By the way, your dress and that necklace, does match and looks ugly on you."

When the mens category was done, it's time for the women category. Japan and Canada are next to each other, Canada's last.

Petra did her routine perfectly, and that made Y/n's heart sink. She'll never win and Levi will forever be out of her life. With all that, Y/n congratulate Petra as she gave her a hug. "Good luck, Y/n." Her opponent said.

"Thanks." She skated towards the center, waving at the audience. She took a glance at her team and smiled. She went to her position and closed her eyes, praying for a miracle.

'Legends never die
When the world is callin' you?'

She made a fierce expression on her face, getting in character and began her step sequence.

'Can you hear them screaming out your name?

'Legends never die.'

'They become a part of you,
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness,
Relentless, you survive.'

She did her first triple axel. The crowd goes wild. Waiting for another jump, the crowd cheered.

'They never lose hope when everything's cold and the fighting's near,
It's deep in their bones, they'll ride into smoke when the fire is fierce
No, pick yourself up, 'cause'

'Legends never die!!'

Y/n did her quad axel and quad toeloop, she smiled as she landed her first combo. She spins in place before doing her hand choreographies.

'When the world is calling you,
Can you hear them screamin' out your name?
Legends never di--'

She jumped and did her second combo but when she landed, she heard a crack on her right foot, then she lost control, slamming on the wall of the ice rink since she landed close to the wall. She slammed face first on the wall, she wince as she sat up. She looked at her team and saw Eren, Bertholdt and Reiner's face filled with worry. She smiled and wiped away the blood on her face before forcing herself up.

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