Chapter 47

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"Just tell me the f*cking truth, are you cheating on me?" Y/n said while sitting on the couch.

"For the hundredth time, no." Levi answered calmly.

"Then can you explain this? That's all I want." She passed him her phone containing the pictures the she got. "I just want you to be honest with me." She looked down.

'I can't just tell her about this...' Levi thought. "She's just my friend."

"Ok, she's your friend. Now can you tell me about this?" She swipe on her phone, showing the picture where they exchanged kisses. "As far as I know, you don't even touch your friends."

"I was just being friendly." Levi said.

"Friendly? You're being friendly now?"


"Then why are you sweating so much. Are you hiding something from me?"


"No? Okay, let's move on. Why did you go to what I assumed her apartment?"

Levi couldn't answer because he was thinking of what answer he could give her and the possible outcome of it. Y/n miss took it as answer and assumed that they did it. "I think you don't need to tell me about it. I'm sure you enjoyed it a lot."

"W-What? What are you talking about?"

"I'm so sorry that I can't please you like you want, Levi. I'm just not ready for that."

"What are you talking about? Y/n, tell me."

"I think we should take a break..." Y/n looked down.

"What? Y/n, are you breaking up with me? Don't tell me you are"

"Do you want me to break it up?"

"Of course not!"

"Are you sure?" Y/n stood up and was about to go to the bedroom room.

"Yes. Y/n, don't do this to me." Levi walked over to her and kneeled on the ground. He took her hands in his and look up at her eyes. "I love you with all my heart, Y/n. Don't do this."

Y/n could feel her eyes watering. "Fine, Levi. If I saw you talking to her on the phone or anything, you know my answer." Levi stood up and hugged her tightly.

"I promise you, I won't let you down."

Y/n nodded and let go of him. "You better be."

With that, their relationship is turning to back normal. Y/n began talking more to Levi again, just showing affection in general. They were eating dinner when someone began calling Levi's phone. He answered it without a second thought.

"I'll pay you soon." Then he hang up.

"Who's that?"

"Not important."

"What do you mean by 'I'll pay you soon.'? I think it's important since money can be involve."

"It's nothing important, I just burrowed money from a friend and they want it back."

"Okay. I trust you." Y/n continued eating her meal and Levi did the same.

After that, they took a shower, separately of course. Levi let Y/n take her shower first before he took his. Y/n was out of the shower when Levi got in. As she was combing her hair, Levi's phone began ringing again. She glanced at it and saw that is was an unknown caller. She decided to ignore it at first and kept on combing her hair until it stopped ringing.

Levi's phone began ringing again. She had enough and decided to answer hi phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Levi! When are you visiting aga---" A female voice answered.

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