Chapter 42

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Months later...

"Levi!! Open the door!! I need to pee!" Y/n yelled from the outside of the bathroom.

"There's an extra bathroom for you, brat!!" Levi yelled from the inside.

"I don't want to get suffocated! What were you doing with the bleach early in the morning?! Levi! Just open the door!"

"Fine!" Levi got out of the shower, not bothering to put a towel around his waist. He walked to the door, unlocking the door before going back to his shower.

"Thank you so much!" Y/n rushed in and went straight to the toilet.

"Tch." Levi said before lathering himself with soap and rubbing his skin.

"That's a nice ass you got there..." Y/n said, staring at Levi's back side from the shower. Levi turned his head to look at his girlfriend before giving her a middle finger. "What?! I'm complimenting my handsome boyfriend!" She said before cleaning herself and standing up.

"Are you still up for that frozen lake skating lessons?"

"I don't know. I don't really like kids." Levi said.

'If they're not mine.' He thought.

"Ok. Just tell me if you want to help with the others." Y/n said before walking out of the bathroom and giving Levi his privacy.

Levi finished his shower and got out. Not bothering to put on a shirt even in the cold weather. "Put on a shirt, please. I don't want you to get sick." Y/n said tossing Levi a shirt.

"Fine, mom." Levi muttered before putting the shirt on himself. He sat on the dining table and took a sip of fresh hot tea. "Damn... This is good."

"What? That's how I make your tea everyday." Y/n said while putting eggs on the plate for breakfast. When she finished cooking, she sat on the opposite chair in front of Levi. They began eating their breakfast while talking about random things. Well, Y/n was keeping the conversation going.

Y/n's phone kept on having notifications and it finally got on Levi's nerve. "What the f*ck is wrong with your phone? Is it f*cking broken?"  Levi quickly took Y/n's phone, opening it to the notifications.

"No, Lev--" Y/n tried to take it away from him but she failed.

"What the f*ck is this?" Levi scrolled through multiple messages in Y/n's phone.

"That's nothing... Just some fans." She looked at her food while pushing it around.

"Fans wouldn't send you hate messages.When did this start?" Levi asked as he looked up at Y/n with a stern look.

"When we... We started dating. When you posted a picture of me in your account." Y/n sips  on her drink before taking her phone, but Levi didn't let her have it. "Can I have it back?" She asked.



"I said No. And I'm coming with you later." Levi said, finishing his tea.


After Levi and Y/n finished eating, they cuddled on the couch. Levi slightly scolding Y/n for not telling him about the hate messages earlier. Levi blocked all of the users that sent Y/n some hate messages in front of her.

"Now you don't have anything to worry about." Levi said before wrapping his arms around Y/n again.

"Thank you." Y/n said quietly before snuggling into Levi's chest.


They walked to the frozen lake, where volunteers will be teaching kids how to skate. Levi's arm was wrapped around Y/n's waist, not afraid of showing affections anymore. Now that he knows about the hate people are throwing at his girlfriend.

"Levi, I can do it by myself." Y/n said while trying to tie her own skates. Levi was stubbornly tying Y/n's skates even though she know how to tie it on her own.

"Oh come on. I can tie my skates half the time you can tie yours." Levi rolled his eyes before standing up and pulling Y/n with him. "See."

"Okay okay... You win. Now put this on." Y/n pulled out two ID lace.


"This will identify you as a teacher or coach, something like that. Be nice to the kids, treat them like how you treat  my niece." Y/n smiled as she put the lace around Levi's neck.

"Fine." They soon joined the other volunteers, introducing themselves. Being a professional figure skaters, some kids knew them and immediately wanted the pair to teach them.

While Y/n was teaching a group of kids, Levi was watching her interact with the small children. "Captain! Can you help me stand up?" Levi looked over to his students and his eyes widen as he saw the small boy on his all fours, trying to stand up.

He skated over and pulled him up, setting him on his feet. "Do it like this." He showed him the proper way on how to skate.

Levi was teaching a child when Y/n skated over to him. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" She smiled.

Levi chuckled before saying, "What are you gonna do if I enjoying this?"

"Nothing. You're getting good with handling kids." She giggled.

'I'm starting to enjoy playing with kids that aren't even mine, what's gonna happen if I have my own?' Levi thought.

After a few hours teaching the kids, they decided to go out for dinner. While eating, Levi spotted a phone camera pointed at them. Levi being Levi, he decided to mess with the person who was taking picture.

He glared at the camera. "What's wrong?"

"Glare at it." Levi said, squinting his eye while staring at the camera.

Y/n looked around and spotted the person holding the camera. She looked at Levi before turning back to the camera, smiling and making a peace sign. It made the person really uncomfortable since both of their subject are looking straight to the camera, and it was supposed to be a candid photo.

The person walked away and Y/n and Levi can finally enjoy their dinner. "They're just probably taking pictures to make another rumor."


"Yeah, it happened to me multiple times and I'm tired of it." Levi rolled his eyes.

"Tell me about it." Y/n said.

"Someone started a rumor that I was dating Mikasa. You know Mikasa, right? Yeah, my f*cking cousin. Why the sh*t would I date her?! I don't even like her to start with." Levi scoffed and Y/n giggled in return.

They finished their dinner and Levi forced Y/n to not pay, saying he is a gentleman and will pay for his lady's meal. Y/n just laughed at her boyfriend before  thanking him.

While walking hand in hand to their apartment, Levi pulled Y/n closer.  She was getting confuse because Levi don't usually show this much affection in public. All they do in public was hold hands, Y/n usually was the one to kiss and hug Levi in public. The only time that Levi hugged or pulled Y/n closer in public was the time that Niece/name was there.

"I want to ask you something when we get back home." Levi said quietly.

"Ok, sure."

When they got back home, they took a shower, separately. Levi cleaned the apartment a bit, thinking on how he'll say it in front of Y/n.

Levi and Y/n were laying in bed, cuddling and using their body temperature to warm each other up since both of them doesn't want to stand up and turn the termostat on.

The silence was broken when Levi spoke.

"Do- Do you think it's too early to think about kids?" Levi could feel his face heat up.

"I think so... I want to get married first though." Y/n said.

"What do you think about having a child?"

"If it's your---"

"Of course, it's mine." Levi cut her off, making her laugh.

"I would love have a child or two with you, Levi. One of my childhood dreams, if I'm being honest." Y/n giggled.

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