Chapter 11

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The skater met up at the local skating rink to have some fun. They put on their skates and hop into the rink. Good thing that there are almost no people there and they can enjoy on their last day together before the upcoming competition.

The skaters play around like children at a playground. "Hey! Kids! Do you wanna join? we're playing tag." Reiner said to the three kids silently playing. The kids nodded at each other and smiled.

The kids played around with the adult skaters. Y/n screamed as Bertholdt was it and he began to target her. "No!! Bert!! Stop it!!" Bertholdt laughed as he skated faster than her using his long legs to glide and in seconds, he's beside her. He smiled and tapped her shoulder gently. She playfully frowned as the skaters make a lot of distance between them.

Everyone except Levi.

He smirked as she began to skate towards him. She skated towards him in full speed and was about to tap him when he suddenly dodged her hand. He skated away as she chased him. He slowed down a bit and smirked as Y/n tapped his shoulder. She grinned and took off as quick as possible. Levi chased her, smirking as he began to catch up.

"You're it." Levi said as he tap Y/n's head. They continued to chase each other, forgetting that their friends are there, watching them.

"They look so cute." Bertholdt said.

Time skip

"Looks like we're meeting next month at the competition."

"Yeah. I'm so excited to see you again." Y/n said to Petra.

They talked so much before the plane began to board passengers. Y/n was about to board the plane when Levi grabbed her hand. "Goodbye, again." and with that, he let go. She smiled and waved goodbye at him. Y/n jogged her way to Bertholdt and Reiner.

Time skip

The three stretched their legs before going down the plane. Fans with sign board came screaming in joy to see them. The three slaters waved and thanked them for their endless love and support. Bertholdt took pictures of the sign boards, blushing as he saw one board containing,

Y/n x Bertholdt

He nudged Y/n and coughed loudly, motioning at the sign. Y/n laughed and took a picture too. They walked out of the airport and rode a cab to their house.

Y/n walked to her house, where she lives with her father. She held on to the giant stuffed toy that Levi gave to her with a smile. "Hey dad! I missed you so much!!" She said as she hugged her father tightly.

"I'm so proud of you, darling!! Your mother would be so proud of you!! Another gold added to your collection! I'm so sorry I can't go with you. I promise next time, I will be there." Her father hugged her, lifting her off the floor. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, dad." They parted and talked for a minute about her performance. "Look at this dad." She pointed at her stuffed toy. "Guess who gave it?"

Her father scanned the tag on her daughter's stuffed animal. "Levi?!"

"Yes!! He won this for me, dad!"

The two talked about skating and Levi for hours, but eventually they needed to sleep, so they did.

Two days of resting, Y/n decided to visit the local ice skating rink. She brought her own skates so she doesn't have to wait in line, but still paid for entrance.

She skated around, just listening to music and just relaxing. She twirled around and have fun in her own world. When she saw a child falling to the icy ground and can't stand up. She helped the child to stand up. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks for helpi-- You're Y/n!! I love you so much!!" The child quickly hugged her tightly.

"You're so cute. Thank you so much for supporting me."

"I saw you and Mr. Ackermann in the internet!! You look so cute."

"Awwe... Thank you. Wanna skate with me?" She smiled as the child nodded their head quickly.

They skated, talked about some random things and introduce themselves to each other. People took pictures of them but mainly took pictures of Y/n.

"(Child's name)!! It's time to go!" A man called out.

"Oh! It's my dad! I need to go." C/n said. "I'll see you again next time, Y/n. Thank you so much for hanging out with me." The child said, hugging Y/n tightly before skating away and going to his dad.

Y/n smiled and continued to skate. People asked for a picture or two and congratulated her for their victory. After sometime, Y/n went home. She cooked herself and her father some dinner. They talked about her next competition and their vacation. "I already bought the tickets. It's a one way ticket so we can stay no matter how long we want." F/n smiled at her daughter.


"Yeah. We're staying at your uncle's apartment complex. He already bought a house recently and I decided to rent the apartment for the mean time." Her father explained. Y/n couldn't help but smile and get excited.

"Should I invite Reiner and Bertholdt?"

"You can, The apartment is quite big."

The girl quickly texted her best friends about the vacation after the competition since they also are competing in Japan. They quickly gave their remarks that they will go with her since they also want to send time with their new friend in Japan.

"They agreed!"

At that night, Y/n felt so excited that she can't sleep. Tomorrow is the beginning of their meeting before training for the competition. "F*ck! I need to sleep or else I'll look like a raccoon tomorrow!" She tossed and turned on her bed until she decided to take the giant red fox stuffed toy. She cuddled it closely and immediately fell asleep.

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