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She ignored me as we ate fruits for dinner. My wolf grunted internally as she climbed back upstairs. My bed looked uninteresting for the first time in days knowing that she wouldn't be there anymore. I went to sleep right after I was done eating.

I heard her shuffle upstairs while I waited for sleep to greet me. I soon fell asleep and ended up dreaming about the day when we were banished. The dream usually ended with flashes of fire. It was seemingly a repeated reminder of all the things that I had lost and destroyed.

Resentment always found its way back to me but I tried my best to hold it inside myself. If I ever let it out then we'd end up fighting and it wouldn't get us anywhere. I had all the rights to be angry at her and to fire back at her nasty attitude.

Although, I truly understood that it was part of her personality. She had been very self-sustaining and cocky. I hardly doubt she'd have survived in the political arena back at Alexandria otherwise. She was a product of her past but people changed. I only hoped that the same would happen to her. Even though if it's gradual, it'd do.

On the other hand, I was getting more aware of each day passing without me having achieved anything. Out of the thirteen years, we weren't very far from completing the first one. I wondered how everything was back in Zaeris and how everyone was doing without me.

I missed my family and the place but I still had a lot of time to spend here. I wished there was some way of communication but I don't think it would be allowed. I also had most of my powers taken away. I wished I had them back. I could've them back if I used the remaining years productively... but how?

I knew we soon had to figure out things. We couldn't be living here like any ordinary mortals. I wanted to be better than ever when I go back home. As for her, I needed to talk to her about this. She would be going back with me and joining my family... most probably.

Although, I didn't think my people would accept her so easily... especially my father. She would be tested before anyone would start seeing her as my equal. But I didn't know how she'd react to that and what she thought about us being mates.

Did she accept me? Was she willing to give me a try?

I was aware of my poor decisions earlier but now, away from the state's responsibility, I found that I could think more freely. I shouldn't have rejected her and I deeply regretted everything now. I couldn't have been a bigger idiot.

I should've trusted my wolf and stood with her but my father's expectations were too high. I had always worked hard to meet them and at that moment, I was ready to sacrifice my mate just to please him.

Inanna was right when she had said that I wasn't ready to have her. I truly wasn't. I had spent my life in comfort and had most of the things given to me even before I could've asked for them. Now I had lost those things that I thought I was entitled to.

The only option that I had now was to earn everything back. One by one.

I went for a run the first thing in the morning when I woke up. I let my wolf run deeper into the woods. On the way back, I caught some rabbits to eat. I'd have eaten them raw but knowing that I had worked hard on the kitchen made me want to take them back to be cooked.

I phased when I was back at our place. Then I cut and cleaned the prey before walking inside. She was already downstairs, arranging things in the kitchen. Our eyes locked as soon as I walked inside.

Her face instantly turned a deep shade of red before she screamed bloody murder. I dropped everything and instantly ran outside while she cursed after me.

"YOU DISGUSTING DOG!" She yelled at me while I went into the woods looking for my clothes. I was so deep into my thoughts that I had forgotten to clothe myself after coming back from hunting.

"I am sorry, I didn't realize I was naked," I grumbled as I put on my clothes outside the house.

"YOU ARE DISGUSTING!" She yelled back at me. I picked up the prey and washed them again before taking them back inside. She glared at me before snatching them away.

"Stay the fvck outside. I'll call you when everything's ready," She warned me. I didn't feel like pushing her buttons early in the morning so I ended up staying outside. I needed to get to work today to get some money. I had already spent a lot on pots and groceries.

"It's done!" She yelled from inside and I walked in. Everything was set on the tiny table that I had built for the kitchen.

"Thanks. Everything looks good," I tried to sound grateful but all I got in return from her was a very mean glare. I concentrated on the food instead. It was nice. I wanted to compliment her but as soon as I saw the judgmental look on her face, I knew that shutting my mouth was the better option.

She was already pissed at me due to my carelessness in the morning. She finished before me and left for the temple. I left for work too.

Today I worked longer than I usually did for some extra money. I needed that to buy things since winter was around. It was raining when I finally went back home. She was already there, making dinner. After getting fresh, I asked her if she needed any help.

I received a usual glare from her in response but she ended up telling me to watch the fire in the hearth. She was cooking vegetable soup on it. Fortunately, I still had my hybrid powers so the job was easy for me.

I noticed how she turned a bit pale when she was me maintain the fire level. Our eyes locked for a second before she looked away instantly.

"It's done," She muttered after checking the soup so I took it down. I laid out the table while she finished frying the meat. After that, we sat down to eat.

"How are you feeling today?" I asked her to break the thick wall of silence between us.

"Better," She answered, eating her food.

"Do you have clothes for winter?" I asked further. She chewed and gulped before answering, "I'll get from the priestesses,"

"Would you need anything else?" I continued. She shook her head at me.

"You don't have to spend anything on me," She told me, looking more interested in the food rather than in the conversation.

"Why?" I asked her. She looked at me before shrugging and answering, "So that you don't expect anything from me in return," Her words were a kick to my gut. I stopped eating but she didn't bother.

"What do you mean?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Why are you doing all these things? What do you want from me?" She asked, looking me dead in the eyes. It made me realize for the first time that she did not trust me. At all.


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