Chapter Seven

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Here is the new chapter! I hope you all enjoy! :D


Chapter Seven

We walked home in silence. Thank god it stopped raining. I cannot imagine how Summer is feeling right now but I’m going to be there for her as much as I can.

“Are you going to tell your parents?” I asked, breaking the ice.

“I don’t know. I don’t what to do anymore. I had my whole life planned out in front of me.” She said as she sniffed.

“I think it’s best to tell your parents. They can be there to support you and your choices.” I said.

“I know. I’m so scared Nicki.” She said hugging me. I hugged her back and rubbed her back. She started crying and it started raining again but I didn’t care. This girl needs the most support she can get.

We finally got home and Terry was still asleep on the couch. Thank God.

“Hey! There you are!” Landon shouted as he ran down the stairs.

“Hey.” I smiled.

“Where’d you to go? We were trying to find you everywhere.” Landon said.

“We just went down the street, Landon. Chill out.” Summer said.

“Have you been crying?” He asked. “What happened?” He demanded. None of us said anything. “Nicki, what happened?!” He asked me. He was getting mad.

“Mind your own business!” Summer shouted and thumped up stairs and into her bedroom slamming her door. Terry woke up from her sleep having Summer slammed her door.

“What happened?” She asked.

“Nothing.” Landon said coldly and thumped back upstairs to his room and slamming the door shut.

“Why are you so wet dear?” Terry asked as she got off the couch and walked into the kitchen and turned the water jug on.

“I went down the shops with Summer. She needed a couple of things.” I smiled.

“Oh right. Then why is everyone slamming doors?” She asked.

“Landon got mad because we wouldn’t tell him where were.” I said.

“Oh that dear boy needs to learn to keep his nose out of girl business.” She laughed a little. I laughed too. “He’ll calm down soon. He’s a boy, what do you expect?” She said.

“Yeah that’s true.” I said. She smiled.

“I think you need to go have a shower before you get sick.” She smiled.

“Yes, I was just about to do that.”  I smiled.

“Tea will be reading in two hours.” She shouted as I walked up the stairs.

“Okay!” I said. I walked past Summer’s room and I could her music playing. I stood there wondering if I should go in or just leave her be by herself for a while. I decided to leave her alone and go have a shower quickly.

I got out of the shower and put some nice and warm clothes on and headed down stairs. Summer was down stairs making some food and Bob and Terry were watching TV. Landon was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he is in his room still. Who knows.

“Hey how are you feeling?” I asked Summer.

“Like shit.” She replied.

“It’ll get better.”  I said.

“I doubt it.” She said back.

“It will. You just got to believe in yourself.” I said.

“I hope you’re right Nicki, I really do.” She said as she slowly walked up the stairs. I heard the doorbell ring and I went opened the door since I was standing right near it.

“Katie?” Derrick said. Oh shit.

“Um…” I said.

“Who is it Nicki?” Terry asked.

“So it’s Nicki now?” He smiled. I nervously laughed.

“Yeah…” I said. Terry was at my side and it frightened me how she got there so fast.

“Oh hey Derrick, this is Nicki, our new visitor for now.” Terry smiled.

“Yeah, we’ve met.” He smiled. I tried to inch my way away from the door and upstairs but it didn’t work.

“Nicki, can you please make some tea for Derrick?” She asked.

“Yeah, of course.” I smiled and walked to the kitchen. I didn’t realize Landon sitting on the stairs and I screamed.

“Shh.” Landon said.

“Is everything okay?” Bob asked.

“Yeah, I nearly fell.” I smiled at Bob.

“Oh, be careful!” He smiled and laughed. I nervously laughed again. I turned the water jug on and Derrick came in the kitchen. Landon crept up behind him.

“BOO!” He said pushing Derrick over and quickly running back upstairs.

“LANDON JAY SHANNON!” Terry roared. I tried to control my laughter as Terry helped Derrick up off the floor. “I am so terribly sorry dear; I don’t know why he hates you so much.” She said.

“That is alright.” He smiled. The water jug was boiled and I made him a cup of tea.

“Thank-you, Nicki.” He said while flirty with me. Ew.

“No problems.” I said in a flat tone and headed upstairs. I went into Summer’s room where she was laughing along with her brother.

“That was so funny!” She said.

“Did you think it was funny Nicki?” Landon asked.

“Hell yes, I had to try my hardest to control my laughter!” I said while laughing.

“Sorry.” He laughed.

“Why do you hate him so much?” I asked.

“He’s rich and likes to show it off to us poor people. Mum doesn’t see it but we do. He is also such a flirt.” Summer said.

“Yeah, I know that…” I said rolling my eyes. “He asked me out for dinner this morning when we were in town.” I said.

“What did you say??” Landon asked surprised.

“I said maybe of course, I don’t know him.” I said.

“Don’t go. He’ll just leave you there at the end. He is a asshole.” Landon said. I laughed.

“Okay, I won’t.” I smiled.

“Good!” Summer said. We laughed for a while more. I’m so glad I met these people. I will cherish this moment forever.

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