Chapter Five

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I know this chapter may be boring, i apologize but hopefully the next chapter will be way better! Enjoy! :)


                                                                               Chapter Five

Okay, so this is not what I expected. In fact, it is more worse than what I expected.  I brushed one of the horses and all the mud from there coat was falling all on me.

“Question, how do horses get so messy?” I said to myself. The horse flicked its tail. “And there is flies everywhere!” I said.

“That’s why you put the fly repellent on.” Landon said pointing at the fly repellent.

“Oh, yeah I knew that.” I said walking over to put it on.

“I’d never expect to see Nicki Minaj, cleaning my horses, wearing overalls and gumboots.”

“Yeah well I can say that I thought I’d never be here, cleaning horses, wearing overalls and gumboots either.” I said. Landon laughed.

“I mean, your famous.” He said.

“I know, it doesn’t feel surreal yet.” I said.

“Well it shouldn’t.” He said. There was a long silence.

“Have I done a good job so far?” I asked. He looked at the horse and looked at me.

“You have done a great job, thank-you Nicki.” He smiled.

“You’re welcome.” I smiled.

“Lemonade!” Terry said. Oh good, I really need to wash my hands. They’re so gross. Yuck.

“Thanks mum.” Landon said.

“Are you doing alright dear?” Terry asked me.

“Yeah, I think I am.” I said.

“Well come take a break.” She smiled.

“Thank-you Terry.”

“You are most certainly welcome!” She smiled brightly. I took a sip of the lemonade. Oh wow. I feel so much better. We finished up in the shed and put the horses back into their rooms and went back into the house.

“Do you want to play the Wii?” Landon asked.

“Um yeah, why not?” I smiled. We walked to his room and I sat on his bed while he turned the TV on. He gave me the controller and I watched what he was doing.

“We’re playing Wii Sports.” He said.

“Oh I am very good at the baseball.” I said.

“We’ll see about that.” He laughed. We played the baseball game first.

“Oh my God, you’re beating me!” I shouted.

“I told you!” He laughed.

“No way, uh-uh!” I laughed. It was my turn and it I hit a home run.

“Yes!” I shouted, jumping up and down.

“No fair!” He said.

“In your face!” I said.

“Hey! Can I play?” Summer said flying into the room.

“Yeah sure, I have to go do something outside anyway. You can hang with Nicki.” Landon said and passed the controller to Summer.

“Thanks.” Summer smiled. Landon left and it was just me and Summer. We played a couple of games and got bored after a while.

“Would you like to come back to my room?” Summer asked.

“Yeah sure.” I said. We went into Summer’s room and she put some music on.

“So I went down the shops today and I brought your album.” She smiled.

“Aw thank-you.” I smiled.

“I can’t believe I have never heard of you before. It’s ridiculous.” She laughed.

“I agree with you!” I laughed too.

“Could you sign it?” She asked.

“Um of course I will sign it!” I smiled. She jumped up in down in excitement and gave me a marker to sign it.

“I love the song Marilyn Monroe, definitely my favourite. Oh and Pound the Alarm! You are such a great singer. I mean, fuck the haters.” Summer said.

“Thanks and I agree. They can’t judge me!” I smiled. “So what do you do in Australia for fun?” I asked.

“We swim, have barbeques, listen to music. Pretty much what Americans do I guess.” She shrugged.

“Do you have a pool?” I asked.

“Yeah, out the back. Do you want to go swimming?” Summer asked.

“Yes! It’s hot here!” I said.

“Well you can borrow my some of my bathers.” She smiled. We got changed and hoped into the pool. It was so cold but so refreshing at the same time. I swam around for a while until Landon came and joined us.

“Hey!” He said.

“Hello.” I smiled.

“Having fun?” He said as he swam closer to me.

“I sure am.” I laughed.

“Well I’m glad.” He smiled.

“Heads!” Someone shouted. Before we know it we were pushed away from a giant wave in the pool.

“Bob! What have I told you about bombing the pool!” Terry shouted. I laughed.

“Sorry, but I couldn’t help it.” Bob smiled. I looked behind Terry and Summer was behind her. In a matter of seconds Summer had pushed her mum into the pool and we all cracked up laughing, except Terry of course, but she laughed after a little while. This family is great. They’re so funny and caring. I wish everyone was like these people.


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