Chapter Eleven

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Here is the new chapter! Sorry i took so long! I had writers block! Enjoy! :)


 Chapter Eleven

My phone started vibrating on the kitchen table. I looked at it confused. Who has my number? No one should but Terry and Summer. They’re the only people who have a phone and have given my number. I answered it while Landon continued to eat like a pig and read the paper.

“Hello?” I asked confused. No answer. I frowned. “Hello?!” I said again. They hung up. “That was weird.” I said putting my phone back into my pocket.

“Someone is pranking you.” Landon said.

“Thanks for that captain obvious.” I said rolling my eyes and continuing to wash the dishes. My phone started vibrating again and I quickly got it out of my pocket and answered.

“Look, if you’re not going to speak to me then leave me alone. Thanks.” I said slamming my phone down then realized it was Terry who was calling the second time.

“Shit. That was your mum that second time.” Landon laughed at me while I quickly rang Terry back.

“Nicki what was that?” She asked a little confused.

“I am so very sorry but someone just pranked me and I’m not sure who.” I said.

“Oh. Well I don’t know who it could be.” She said. “Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that Summer said she is feeling ill and she’s coming home. Could you take her to the doctors? I would but I am so busy up here.” She said. Terry has gone to Melbourne for work so she can support the house and food. Summer went with her to help. They’re gone for a week. It’s just Landon, Bob and I.

“Yeah sure I can.” I said.

“She’s coming in by the train at 2 in the afternoon.” She said.

“Okay, I’ll be there to pick her up.” I said.

“Thank-you so much dear. I got to go. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.” She said.

“Alright then. No worries. Bye.” I said hanging up the phone and slipping it back into my pocket.

“What happened?” Landon asked sipping out of his coffee cup and had coffee dribbled down the front of him onto his shirt. I put my hips on my hands and stared at him harshly. “What?” He asked trying to clean the coffee.

“Do I seriously have to put your coffee in a baby bottle?” I asked sarcastically.

“No but you can if you want.” Landon said shrugging sarcastically and then smiling at me.  I rolled my eyes. “So what happened?” He asked serious.

“Summer has fallen ill and has to come home because Terry is too busy working still.” I said.

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