Restoring the broken rose Part 2

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A/N So I'm going to have to break it into 3 Parts there's a lot of things to cover and the chapters go pretty fast so sorry if you think I'm rushing it :/ . I'll hopefully have the ending posted today in the late afternoon or night.

In last couple of days, Zero and I, and I guess if you want to count Kaito too, were trying to keep order and catch rebellious vampires. Since few of the vampires think that theres no order and feel they can do whatever they want. One of them being drinking human blood. It's a hard job but there was surprisingly other vampires that wanted to help as well. In that case, I tried to rest as much as possible. Zero still continued to work enjoying his job as a hunter.

I head to Zero's room wanting to sleep there even though the headmaster forbiddens me to. He doesn't feel it's right that we should sleep together even though were engaged. I didn't see the big deal again. He tried countless times to give me the " birds and the bees" speech which I was not going to listen to especially since he was a bit too late. Yes as awkwardly as it sounds Zero and I have done the sinful act. Trust me it's not like I planned it! Things just happened. There were days when we were suppose to be working and we found ourselves distracted. Days when we were suppose to be sleeping...

"Zero" I moaned as I held on to his back and he had firm grip on my thighs...

"No! Rin. Go to sleep. No naughty thoughts of Zero again" I said to myself. I cuddled underneath the blankets taking in deeply of Zero's scent. Things were better between Zero and I than before ,but something was always missing. I found myself dreaming of a girl who was my friend. I couldn't remember her face but I missed her so bad.

"Rin, time to get up. This is no time to be relaxing" Kaito opened the door with Zero standing beside him. I was hoping he wouldn't have found me.

"We have a new mission to carry out. We are to guard and monitor Kuran Kaname's estate." He said causing my head to pound a bit. That name, " Kuran" It's always buzzing like an alarm in my head.

"Fine" I groaned. Zero always seems to find a way to grab hold of my hand. It use to bug me but I sort of understand the meaning of it. We weren't going to leave each other, not like before.



We found our way to Kuran's mansion. It was basically the size of Cross Academy. Oddly enough, I was in a way excited to go in. I don't know why? I just am? Zero wasn't really happy to go in and neither was Kaito. So I decided to just hold in my excitement to myself.

"Looks like it's true that the purebloods have form an alliance. The association is monitoring the situation closely." Zero said as we got closer to the house.

"After all, they have sent the best hunters to protect the Kuran mansion... except for Rin" Kaito added. I punched him hard in the back causing him to wince.

As we came to the door, Kuran himself was there waiting for us. He had very sad atmosphere forming around him. I never liked Kuran and I still do, but why the hell do I feel sorry for him. He extended his hand telling us to come inside. Smooth...Kuran...very smooth

"Kuran Kaname" Zero coldly greeted.

"Ello govna" I said attempting to sound British. Surprisingly he smiled like that other pureblood. When we came across the door, he grabbed hold of Zero and me by the arm.

"You don't remember why you had to drink my poison, do you or why you came to me to seal your curse mark?" He then directed at me. My head was starting to pound again. I don't like the way this stupid pureblood is making feel dumb.

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