Chapter 11 - Who is he?

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||Midoriya POV:||

As Ochaco turns on my light, I look down at the boy sprawled at the foot of my bed. I growl at the sight of him. He has such a nerve coming back here.
"Shinsou", I say whilst glaring at him.
Shinsou gets up quickly and smiles.
"Heyyy mido"
I cross my arms, "what are you doing here and why in the hell did you come through my window!?"
"Well you see.... I tried the front door but it was locked. I knew that if I knocked you wouldn't let me in, so I walked around and looked for an open window. I saw this one staring aimlessly out of her window", he gestures to Ochaco " and then I saw your window open a bit so... I climbed.'
I look at Ochaco, "what were you doing up, its 3 in the morning?"
"Nothing.... I uh couldn't sleep," she says quickly.
I nod a bit and look back at Shinsou. He was stood with his hand up and rubbing the back of his head. He had something more to say, I could feel it.
"So anyway, why did you come?" I say to him.
"Well I uh...."
I cross my arms. I think I could see where this was going. Let me explain....

When I first joined the league, they had already recruited Shinsou. We had gotten along so well and actually ended up dating for a bit. That was until we had an argument and broke up. It was so awkward seeing each other all the time that we decided that one of us would leave the league. It was Shinsou who left after a huge debate and we hadn't seen him since. All I had heard was that he was a lone villain, and doing everything that a group would do but on his own. Quite a lot of things about him were on the news. It was kind of impressive to be honest. But for a while things stopped coming on the news and I think he went into hiding. So here he is now, standing in my bedroom at 3AM while I am sat here in my pyjamas. This was going to be fun.....

"Spit it out", I say after he hadn't said anything for about a minute.
"Well I was wondering if I could join the league again..." Shinsou says.
Boom. There it is.
"Being a lone villian not working out huh?"
"Shut up, its just better to be in a group."
Ochaco tilts her head, "Whats going on Midoriya, who is he?"
I realise that it was after Shinsou left that Ochaco has joined. I explain the whole situation to her quickly.
"Wow.... OK then...." she says.
"Yeah.... Anyway, can you take him to the room with Todoroki? I'm tired and we can talk to Shigaraki about this in the morning."
Ochaco nods and takes Shinsou away.
Shinsou didn't argue, he knew that if he did he would have no chance.
I turn out my light and lay back down. I am not exited for tomorrow.

Tododeku Villain AU ~ Til Death Do Us Part (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now