Chapter 7 - Confessions

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||Toga POV:||

When Ochaco and I arrived from school (oh god, never thought I'd say that sentence) I slumped on the couch and she went to see our captive. I know I would get to have my fun annoying him later. I look around and Twice is suddenly towering over me. I jump.

"Oh Twice! Hi."                                                                                                                                                                        

"Hey Toga-san... can I?" He points next to me on the couch.

"Oh yeah, go ahead."

I move to the side and he sits next to me. I go to reach for the remote to turn on the TV but Twice grabs my hand to stop me. I turn to him.


He was sat looking at me. I move my hand back and he keeps his hand clasped around it. He then moves it so that our fingers are interlocked.

"Toga-san... I have a confession."


"I have been meaning to tell you for a while."

At this I gulp and sigh. I know what's coming.

"Twice... I know what you want to tell me. It's pretty obvious."

"You do?"

I nod, "You love me."

His face changes and I can tell that he is blushing under his mask.

"Well uh... I was just going to tell you I have a crush on you...... I wouldn't call it love... well maybe I would..."

I put a finger to his lips and he looks at me. I lift up his mask from the bottom and kiss him. He sits up, surprised at this but kisses me back. I have to say.... he's a good kisser.

I hear a whimper from behind us. I pull away from Twice to see Ochaco stood in front of the door to the room with Todoroki in. She was staring at us, fixed in place.


She continues to stare, stuck in her own mind.


"Huh?" she says, snapping out of her trance.

"Are you ok?"

"W-what? Oh... oh yeah I'm fine."

"You sure?" I am not convinced.

"Mhm," she nods and then hurries off to her room.

I turn back to Twice, "What do you think was wrong with her?"

He shrugs and I sigh.

"Uh Toga-san...," he mutters.


"Can we kiss again..?"

I laugh.

Tododeku Villain AU ~ Til Death Do Us Part (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now