Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Hairspray was everywhere, filling the small dressing room with it’s toxic smell. I coughed as I walked past someone spraying it everywhere. All the girls were fixing their perfect low buns, with ribbons and hairspray. People were fixing their makeup. We all had the same makeup; Foundation to make the face look flawless, mascara and eyeliner to darken your eyes and make them more noticeable, bright red lipstick so everyone can see your lips. Everyone was wearing the same thing, except for me. Every girl had on black leotards with red tutu’s, their black ballet flats were shining. I was wearing a red leotard with a white tutu, as well white flats. I stood out against the rest. All the guys had to wear black.

My makeup had already been applied and I hated it. The lip stick made my lips dry and I wished for some lip balm. The foundation was too heavily applied and I found it hard to move my face. I could hardly blink with the amount of mascara I had on. Not to mention the eyeliner; I felt like a raccoon. My hair was in the tightest bun possible, making me wonder if my hair would be ripped out. Tonight was going to be a long night, I could feel it. The performance would go for a few hours and I couldn’t help but feel butterflies as Luke and his brothers were coming to watch. I knew there would be tears by the end of the night.

“Show starts in 15 minutes!” My Auntie yelled, slamming open the dressing room door. She had dressed up for the occasion, wearing a red dress that went to her knees. “Avery I want you on stage.”

“Now?” I asked.

“Now!” She exclaimed. I quickly ran out of the room, knowing that my Auntie was stressed. I guess I would be stressed as well if I was in her position.

I quickly walked towards the stage, seeing people running around crazily trying to get the lights set up and the sound track to work. I could already here the loud chatter of people from the audience. Butterflies erupted into my stomach as I thought of Luke. He would be seated by now with his brothers, waiting for the show to start.

Luke’s P.O.V

“Shit…it’s busy,” Beau said as we walked into the theatre. I looked around the hall, seeing red velvet chairs all over the place, most filled up with people. They had a ground level and a top level. We were on the ground level, about 7 rows back from the front. Avery said we had gotten a good place.

My brothers and I walked to our seats, quickly sitting on them. Loud chatter filled my ears. I couldn’t get over how many people were here. I didn’t realise ballet was this popular. How many students go to the academy? Maybe these are just all their families. I wonder how Avery felt, knowing she was about to perform in front of all these people. According to Avery, this show is something they’ve never done before. It was completely different. For once, the teachers let the students come up with their own choreography and music, while the teachers gave them the story line of it all. Avery had also said that Natalie and Simon’s scene was out of this world.

“Oi lover boy,” Jai said, snapping his fingers in front of me. I shook my head, turning it to glare at Jai. Did he really just call me lover boy? “Do you know how long the show is?”

“A couple of hours,” I replied.

“We have to sit here and watch ballet for a few hours?!” Beau exclaimed.

“Beau, don’t be rude,” I said, frowning a little.

“But…but…Ballet is boring!” Beau replied.

“Yeah, no offence bro, but ballet isn’t the most fun thing to watch…” Jai said.

“I mean, how good is Avery? Like is she amazing at this or what?” Beau asked.

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