Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

“Thanks for letting me borrow a spare bikini,” I said to Natalie.

I had searched all morning trying to find a bikini in my closet, but hadn’t found anything. So, I went over to Natalie’s and asked to borrow one. Turns out, we’re the same size. She also had millions of bikinis to choose from. Her closet was just filled to the brim with jeans and t-shirts and bikinis and shoes. It was crazy how many clothes she had. Yet, she didn’t have one single dress or skirt. She had given me a light blue plain pair that was strapless. It also had a little frill around the bottoms. I found it very cute.

I pulled on my sunglasses from the top of my head as we walked along the sand. I could already see Luke, who was sitting with a group of guys. I spotted Jai and Beau pretty quick, with Skip and James behind them. There were two girls from what I could see, both sunbathing. I couldn’t help but smile as Luke spotted me. He instantly started to walk in our direction.

I was wearing a light tank-top that was see through at the back and some short shorts that were probably too small for me. My curly hair had been left out, and was blowing sideways due to the wind. Luckily, it decided not to be a total frizz bomb today and actually looked decent. I hadn’t put any makeup on, knowing I would go in the water. Natalie was only wearing her bikini, saying she didn’t want to get any of her clothes sandy. She had a giant pair of red heart sunglasses on, matching her red lips. I didn’t understand why she put makeup on to go to the beach, but according to Simon, she wears makeup everywhere. Her blonde hair was left out. As for Simon he was wearing just bordies and a pair of raybands. His body was looking quite fit if you asked me.

Luke finally reached me, greeting me with a peck on the lips. Natalie instantly started to say how cute we were while Simon tried to shut her up. All Luke could do was laugh and say thank-you for the compliment. He put his arm around my waist, walking us over to the group. Luke introduced them, saying they were some mates from school and introduced the girls as Julia and Amber. Both of them were really nice and greeted me, Natalie and Simon. I’m glad Luke and that didn’t hang out with bitches…

I stripped from my clothes, putting them in my beach bag, which I had borrowed from Natalie again. I couldn’t help but stare at Luke though as he rubbed sunscreen on. His muscles….were….how do I put this?....delicious….yes….omg…I sound so creepy….shut up Avery….luckily he can’t hear you….I hope….No he isn’t a mind reader….but omg those abs……I just want to touch them…Will he think I’m creepy if I touch them?...I shouldn’t touch them with all these people around though….yeah….good idea….okay shut up Avery…..

“You want some sunscreen?” Luke asked, sitting down beside me.

“Yes, please,” I answered, biting my lip. God….Luke looked really hot. Damn beach. Why did I agree to come? This is going to be the death of me, I swear.

Luke’s hands started massaging the sunscreen into my back and shoulders. Simon was doing the same to Natalie. I couldn’t help but smile at him. The way he looked at Natalie. It was the way Luke looked at me. I almost feel sorry for him. Natalie has no idea. Absolutely no idea that he’s crazily in love with her. Last night when Natalie kissed Simon, he was absolutely shocked. He wasn’t expecting her to take it serious. But she did. I bet he was wishing she would kiss him again though. I guess, he’s just scared to admit his feelings to her. Afterall, they are best friends. I guess you can kind of say, he’s been friend zoned. Natalie’s just really oblivious to Simon’s feelings though.

“All done,” Luke said, removing his hands from my back.

“Why, thank-you,” I replied, putting on an accent.

“Anytime, ma lady,” Luke said, putting on the same accent as me.

We both laughed, causing some of the group to look over at us, before going back to their own conversations. “You know, I hardly ever come to the beach,” I said.

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