Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

“Can I go?” I whined, as the nurse continued to do check-ups on me. She had kept me in all day, and it was nearly night time. I was getting restless and I wanted nothing more than to get up and move around.

“We gave you a heavy drug, Avery. We have to make sure your healthy enough to leave. You slept for a bit longer than we expected you to,” The nurse explained. I rolled my eyes as she continued writing down things on her notepad. The needle was originally supposed to put me out for 24 hours, but I kind of slept for 72.

“I’m not going to get much sleep tonight, am I?” I asked.

“I’m afraid not. You probably won’t be tired tomorrow either,” The nurse replied. I knew she was probably right. I was so awake, I could run a marathon. That’s what I felt like doing. I couldn’t sit still. I kept switching positions, from one leg to another. I needed to get up and move. If I had to stay in this office all night, I seriously would consider breaking down that door and running through Melbourne for the whole night.

“Does the whole academy know about my little outbreak?” I asked. I had asked Natalie and Simon that before, but all they did was look at each before putting their heads down, refusing to answer.

“Look, Avery. I’m just the school nurse. I’m not a gossip girl listening to everyone’s conversations,” the nurse replied. I glared at her. Sometimes she could be so bitchy. “Everything seems to be alright with you though, so you can leave if you want.”

“Seriously?” I asked, getting a little excited. Being stuck in a nurse’s office for 3 days, is not fun.

“Yeah, just make sure you take these tonight,” The nurse said, handing over a small container full of pills.

I looked at the label. “Sleeping pills?” I asked, a little confused. I just slept for 72 hours.

“You’re going to need them tonight. Look, your Auntie asked me to give those to you, so you won’t mess up your sleeping time table. I told her you would be fine until tomorrow night, but she insisted.”

“Oh well, thank-you,” I said.

“Just please, don’t take too many. You’ve been on a lot of drugs and you taking these aren’t very good for your health, so only take 3 at the most. They won’t do much, they’ll only make you tired, so hopefully you can get some sleep.”

I nodded my head. “So can I go?” I asked. The nurse nodded her head, waving me off with her hand. I smirked to myself, jumping off the bed. Time to get out of this horrible gown.

I walked over to the door, swinging it open. There were a few students in the hallway, but once again, I flipped them off, not caring what they thought of me at the moment. I hurried up the staircase and down the hallway to my room. Once I was in, I closed the door behind me so I could have some peace. I didn’t even get a seconds rest before my phone started ringing from my bedside table. I jumped, putting a hand up to my heart. I looked at the phone, staring at it. Who would be ringing me? Oh God…Please don’t be my parents.

I walked over to my phone and picked it up. I sighed as it wasn’t my parents, it’s just Jai. Wait. Why is Jai calling? He’s surely got to know by now that I told Luke. Should I answer it? Of course you should dummy! If he’s ringing you, then you have to answer.

I pressed answer and brought the phone up to my ear. “Hello?” My voice squeaked.

“Finally! You answered,” Jai breathed out, sounding kind of stressed out.

“You’ve been calling?” I asked.

“Yeah, like every five minutes,” Jai answered. “Where were you?”


“Asleep for 3 days?” He chuckled.

“Actually yes…”

“Wait, what? Actually never mind. That’s not why I rang. What the fuck did you tell Luke?” Jai’s mood changed. I swallowed the lump in my throat hearing Jai say Luke’s name.

“I told him the truth,” I whispered.

“Yeah, well good job you did there,” Jai spat, sarcasm in his voice.

“You were the one who told me I should tell him!” I argued.

“Yeah, not like this though!” Jai’s said, raising his voice. I flinched away from the phone, feeling tears coming on. I knew I had hurt Luke, but I didn’t think it would be that bad for Jai to ring me.

“How else was I supposed to tell him? I made it as simple as I could!” I cried. A tear escaped my eye, rolling down my cheek.

“I don’t know, maybe give him a reason why you’re leaving! He thinks you’re moving because you want to. Did you even tell him why you’re moving?” Jai asked. He sounded pissed. I guess I’m not very liked at the moment in the Brooks house.

“I told him I didn’t have a choice. I don’t even know why I have to leave! All my Father has told me is that he’s sick of me sneaking out at night and when I came over to your house, that was the last straw. Do you want me to tell Luke that? Do want me to tell him that I have to leave because of him? Because that’s the reason Jai. Do you really want me to tell him?” I asked, through gritted teeth. I was trying so hard to hold the tears in, but they were slowly falling.

Jai stayed silent. I could hear his breathing on the other end. I was trying to hold in my sobs, but I knew Jai could hear them. I tried gasping for air, but my whole body moved with each sob. I knew the reason why I was leaving. It was because of Luke. My Dad didn’t know I was dating him, but he knew I was running around with a boy. He wasn’t stupid. He has his ways. He has people to keep an eye on me. It was how my Father worked. He didn’t trust me. Not one bit.

“Come over,” Jai said, breaking the silence.

“W-What?” I stuttered.

“Come over and apologize to Luke. If I have to listen to him crying himself to sleep one more night, I might just explode. Come over and tell him that you can make it work. He’ll listen to you Avery. I’ve tried talking to him, but he’s not taking it-“

“How do you know he’ll listen to me?” I asked, cutting him off.

“Because he’s in love with you Avery,” Jai said, his voice soft. “He’s like me when I was in love with Ariana. He’ll listen to you. Trust me. He might not want to, but he will. Just like me with Ariana.”

“I’m so sorry Jai,” I choked. I hated it when Jai talked about Ariana. His whole voice changed. It was like, nothing else mattered except for Ariana. But, she’s gone and there’s nothing else he can do about it now.

“What’s done is done. Now, come over. I mean, you do have a reason to come over.” I could hear the smirk in Jai’s voice.

“What reason?” I asked, confused.

“We still have your white dress that you left here.”

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