Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

“I’m leaving Melbourne,” I whispered.

“What do you mean?” Luke asked, sitting up on the bed. I sat up as well, staring at him with sympathetic eyes.

“I’m moving back to Perth,” I answered, in a hushed voice. I could almost feel my eyes start to water. Luke stayed silent. “I don’t have a choice-“

“When?” His voice growled.

I hesitated before answering, his voice scaring me a little. “Two weeks. The night of the musical.”

Luke stood up from the bed abruptly, running a hand through his hair. He grabbed his shirt that was lying on the ground, throwing it back on. “So, you’ve known for how long?” He asked.

“A few days,” I answered. “It’s not like I want to leave-“

“Well you are anyway, aren’t you?” Luke said, raising his voice.

“There’s nothing I can do!” I screamed. “My Fathers forcing me Luke! I have no choice but to move!”

“Your Father doesn’t fucking control you!” Luke screamed. His hands covering his forehead as he screamed, almost as if he was screaming at himself and not at me.

“Actually, he does. Whatever he says, I have to do. I don’t have a Dad like you Luke. I have to fucking listen to him. I don’t get a fucking choice!” I argued. I regretted once I said it though.

Luke looked at me, tears brimming at the edge of his eyes. “You should be lucky you have a Dad,” He spat.

“Luke, I didn’t mean-“

“No, shut the fuck up!” He screamed. “I love you Avery, okay?”

“I love you too Luke-“

“Then run away with me.”

“I can’t do that,” I stated. Is he crazy? I can’t just run away.

“Why not?” He asked, almost looking angry.

“You have family here. I can’t make you leave them,” I sighed.

“We don’t have to leave forever. We can come back eventually,” Luke said. His lip was slightly trembling.

“I can’t fucking runaway Luke! Do you get that? My Father will have people after me everywhere!” I screamed.

“We can try!” He argued.

“Luke, I don’t have a choice. I’m leaving Melbourne, so you better get used to it!”

“I can’t get used to it!”

“Well you’re going to have to. I don’t get a fucking choice if I stay or not, so you might as well accept it!”

“Why are you being such a fucking bitch?!”

“I’m not being a bitch!” I cried.

“Yeah, you are!” Luke yelled. “How can you just fucking leave me?!”

“I don’t get a fucking choice Luke!” I yelled.

“It’s your life, so take control of it. Stay here, with me! You can live at my house!”

“I can’t, Luke! Why won’t you listen to me?! I don’t have a single fucking choice with what I do with my life! As long I’m still a teenager, my parents can do whatever the fuck they like with me!”

“You’re making this sound like you’re never going to be an adult!” Luke screamed.

“With my parents, I never will be!”


“Luke, I love you okay, but I have to leave.”

“I love you too Avery.”

“I’m sorry-“

“Yeah, I’m fucking sorry too. Goodbye, Avery,” Luke spat. He gave me one last look before walking over to my bedroom door. He swung it open, making it hit the wall beside. I felt tears escape my eyes as I ran up to the door, looking out for Luke. I saw him power walking down the hallway. Other students were in the hallway, looking straight at me. I guess these walls aren’t very solid.

I closed the door, hiding away from the stares of students. Another rumor to start going around the school. I didn’t care though. How could I? How could I care about a tiny little rumor when I’ve just lost the boy I love? God. I don’t even know if we’ve broken up or not. Surely we haven’t, right? It’s our first fight. It’ll blow over right? No, of course it won’t. We should break up. We have to. I’m leaving Melbourne. I’m leaving Luke. I have to leave him. There’s no way I could survive with long distance.

I dropped to the floor, hugging my knees as I hid my face. Soon tears started to roll down my cheeks as I sat on the floor, sobbing. The cries raked through my body as I was almost gasping for air. I knew I wasn’t a pretty crying and this definitely showed. My whole body rumbled with new tears. I could hardly breathe. I was crying too hard. I wanted nothing more than to scream. Scream to let the pain out. So that’s what I did. I started to scream while pulling on my hair slightly.

I stood up again, feeling raged. I kept screaming at myself, knowing people could easily hear me but I didn’t care. I walked over to my door and started banging my fists on it. I kept punching the door until my knuckles started to bleed. I screamed again, more tears flowing down my cheeks. I opened the door, slamming it on the wall outside. I could see a small crowd of people outside my door, watching me very carefully. I flipped them off, walking down the hallway.

I walked into the showers, locking the main door so no one could get in. I screamed again, banging my fists on the counter full of sinks. I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing my mascara had run down my cheeks and my bun had fallen out from me pulling on it earlier before. I started to sob as I stared at myself. Luke had walked out on me. I punched the mirror, feeling rage run through me. Luke had left me. He wants nothing to do with me. I punched the mirror again, this time breaking it. The glass shattered into tiny pieces as I felt some stick into the skin of my knuckles. I screamed out in pain as I punched the mirror again, getting more shards of glass stuck in my knuckles. Blood started to run down my arm and onto the counter. The mirror was broken, glass all over the sink.

I pushed the glass off the counter, making it fall on the ground. I punched the mirror next to the one I had just broken. This one broke within the first punch. More glass became stuck in my knuckles. More blood started to run down my arm. It was now dripping on the floor. Rage was pumping through my veins. I was angry. I was beyond pissed. I’ve lost Luke because of my Dad.

“I HATE YOU,” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I walked over to the showers, turning it onto freezing cold water. I stepped under the water. I shivered at the coldness of the water, but ignored. Blood started to cover the floor beneath me. The water was dyed metallic blood beneath my feet. My leotard became soaked with blood and water. I fell to the ground, clutching my knees. I held them close to my chest as I rocked back and forth. I sobbed in silence as I could only hear the cool water hitting the ground and myself.

I soon drifted off, letting the freezing cold water hit my soft skin.

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