Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Luke’s POV

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and pulled the blankets over my head, holding them there. The ring tone rung out and I smiled to myself, knowing that the noise had stopped. It was too good to be true though. My phone started ringing again. I groaned in annoyance and threw the blankets off of me, feeling a cool breeze tingle the skin on my chest. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table beside me and pressed answer, not even bothering to see who it was.

“What?” I snapped, rubbing my hands on my eyes, trying to wake up.

“Looks like someone’s on their period” I heard Beau’s voice on the other end of the line.

I rolled my eyes. “What do you want Beau?”

“Nothing, I just rang to tell you that me and Jai are on our way to the gym. We were going to wake you to ask if you wanted to come, but we figured you wouldn’t like us waking you up-“

“No shit” I said sarcastically.

“Anyway, me and Jai will probably be a few hours and Mum is out running a few errands and then she’s going over to her friend’s house for coffee” Beau said.

“You know, I was perfectly happy sleeping, until you rang me”

“Yeah whatever Luke, just because you didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. What were you even dreaming about? I kept hearing you talk something about the girl in the red converse or something-“

I hung up on him before he could say anything else. I put my phone back down on the bedside table and walked out of my room, into the bathroom. I walked over to the sink, turning the tap on and splashing my face.

What Beau had said, was true. I had been up all night, dreaming. It’s not like I wanted to. In fact, this is the first time this has ever happened. I mean, I only saw this girl for a few seconds and she was gone. The only thing I had time to notice was the red converse she was wearing. So last night, I kept dreaming about ‘The Girl in the Red Converse’. I dreamt that I actually met her again. I can’t exactly remember where or when or even how, but I remember seeing her again, wearing her red converse.

The two things I know about her is her last name, Johnson and that she wears red converse. How am I even supposed to find her with this much information? There’s probably a million people who have the last name Johnson and own a pair of red converse.

I turned the tap off and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked the same, yet, I didn’t feel the same. I felt….all weird…and…gooey. I don’t even know how to describe it. It almost felt like I was going to be sick but I wasn’t.

Get a hold of yourself, Luke. She’s just one girl. You have thousands of girls who want you! For heaven’s sake, you’ve hugged and kissed thousands! Why haven’t I felt like this about any of them before? She’s just one girl who you’ve only seen for a few seconds before she disappeared down the ladder. Plus, what’s the chance that you would ever see her again? It’s like one in a million. She’s just one girl.

But she’s the girl in the red converse.

I bit my lip and splashed water up onto the mirror that was still lying in the sink, making my reflection go blurry. I walked out of the bathroom, towards my room. I grabbed a singlet and some shorts, throwing them on. I didn’t bother doing anything with my hair, so I left it be, messy bed hair. I pulled on a pair of socks and a pair of VANS.

I grabbed my phone and some money, before walking out of the house. Maybe some fresh air will help me refresh my mind. Maybe, it might make me forget about all about her. I don’t know her, so why should I even care? It’s just stupid. I’m stupid.

Why did she run away from us though? It’s not like we would’ve hurt her. For all I know, she could be another fan. How did she even get down from the roof anyway? That was like a 10 meter jump! There’s no way she could’ve landed that. Then again, I did hear a loud crashing noise and then when I ran over, she was running towards the ladder.

God, Luke! Stop thinking about her! She’s just one girl. One simple girl. What’s so different about her compared to every other girl? She’s one simple girl Luke. She probably doesn’t even know you. She’s one girl.

Converse ·· Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now