Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. 6:30 am. I quickly got out of bed, walking over to my bathroom. I splashed water over my face and quickly brushed my teeth. One thing about me, I didn't mind getting up early. I find it quite easy. I prefer getting up early, than sleeping in. I guess that's one good thing about being here. Classes began at 8, so people had to get up early.

I walked over to my wardrobe, deciding that, I didn't feel like going to class today. Well, most days I didn't feel like going to class, but today, I just didn't want to put up with the stares and glares from everyone. I quickly picked out a pair of simple denom short shorts, that were slightly ripped at the bottom and a plain black singlet. It was hot outside.

I pulled on a pair of white socks and walked back into the bathroom. I didn't bother too much with makeup, only putting concealer over some pimples and a swipe of mascara over my eyelashes so my eyes did stand out a little bit. I decided to leave my hair out. My hair, was naturally curly, maybe too curly. And frizzy. I never did like my hair, it was always too frizzy. Everyone else, had their hair in perfect curls or dead straight. I never had any of the equipment to make my hair that neat. I pinned my fringe to the side again, knowing it would blow on my face all day. I decided I looked pretty happy with myself and walked back into my room.

My room was pretty small. One, because I didn't have a roommate, because I requested not to get one, which meant I was stuck in the smallest room. I didn't mind though, it was big enough for me, and it was as far away as I could get from everyone else.

My single bed was pushed against the wall in the corner, with a bedside table next to it. It had a lamp and a pile of books stacked on it. I guess I forgot to mention that I also like reading, maybe because I had so much free time, and also, I'm in love with fantasy and fairytales. A shelve of books was on the opposite wall of the bed, next to the bathroom door. In the middle of the wall, between the bed and book of shelves, was a window, that overlooked the Melbourne city. At the foot of the bed, was my wardrobe, very small though. I had very few clothes. It was mostly filled with ballet tights and leotards. I think I had about 4 pairs of shoes all together.

It wasn't because I didn't have any money, it was simply because I never had the time to go shopping. Maybe today I could buy a few more dresses. I did need them. Summer was in at the moment.

I quickly made my bed, sitting my laptop on top of the blankets so I wouldn't step on it on the floor. My room was considerable clean, apart from it being a little clustered. Everything was close together. My walls were pretty much bare, apart from the purple paint that was chipping off and looked like it was done about 20 years ago.

I sat down on top of my bed and pulled out my converse from under my bed. My converse. I couldn't live without these things. I wore them nearly every time I went out, which wasn't often enough. I don't even know why I loved these shoes so much, I just guess, they were comfy and pretty much matched everything I wear, including dresses.

I was pretty much done, so I opened up the top drawer of my bedside table. I had to move some things around to find my wallet and phone. I hardly used these things, that's why it was in the top drawer. I also used a wallet because, purses were too, big and mainstream. I preferred something small. I hardly ever used my phone though. It only had a few numbers on there, but of course I was going to take it today, just in case.

I grabbed my pack back that was at the bottom of my wardrobe. It was only small, and it hung around my shoulders loosely. I chucked my phone and wallet in the front pocket. I decided to take a book just in case as well, City of Glass by Cassandra Clare.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and walker over to the window. There was no way I was going to make it through the main door without someone seeing me, and then of course, they would tell my Auntie. I really didn't care what she would do to me, it's the fact that she would call my parents. I hated seeing them. They weren't the parent's you would exactly want.

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