Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

We walked through the streets of Melbourne. It was nice actually having company with me, even if Natalie and Simon were walking in front of me and I was trailing behind them. They were in their own little world, completely oblivious that I was even here. Simon’s arm was strung over Natalie shoulders as she pulled on his arm, bringing her closer to him. Her arm was around his waist. They were laughing together and I envied them. I wish I had a best-friend I could do that with. I remember Luke saying that we could be best-friends, but I hardly know the guy and he hardly knows me. There’s nothing certain that we could be.

The lights were all lit up around Melbourne. People were everywhere on the streets, enjoying their Friday night. Cars were speeding down roads, some with people sticking their heads out of the window while blasting music. Sound and light was everywhere. The light from street lights, the fairy lights of restaurants, the flashing lights of clubs trying to attract attention. The sound of cars beeping, music from radios, music from inside the clubs, singing from buskers, talking and yelling from the people around us.

“Hey Avery, I forgot to ask before. How’s your shoulder going?” Natalie asked, ducking out from Simon’s arm and slowing down so I could catch up to her and Simon.

“It’s feeling a little less sore now. I can move it without it hurting too much. It should be gone fully in hopefully a week” I replied. I was now walking beside Natalie, while she was in the middle of Simon and myself.

“That’s good then. How’d you manage to get a bruise like that?” Simon asked.

“I fell” I replied, looking down at the ground. I wasn’t lying, but I wasn’t exactly telling the whole truth either.

“What from? The top of Melbourne Shopping Center?” Simon joked.

I looked over at him and shrugged my shoulders. “Actually yes” I answered. Simon stopped laughing and so did Natalie. They both looked at me like I was crazy, their mouths half open.

“You’re joking right?” Natalie asked. When I didn’t say anything, her mouth fell open even more. “What the hell were doing?!” She screamed, causing people around us to look our way.

“It’s a long story, that I would rather not talk about” I answered. I blew out a long breath as Simon and Natalie fell quiet. A silence passed over us.

Before I knew it though, we were at the club. Well, we were in the line, but it was moving really quickly. I cocked my head to the side. Why is this line movie fast? When you go line up for any other club, you have to wait for like an hour. My eyebrows were raised as we walked past the guard and straight into the club. He didn’t even ask for ID. As soon as I walked in the club though, the music was blasting and it vibrated straight through me. I now understood why we got in so fast, this club was infested by teenagers, all the way from 15 to about 20. It also wasn’t majorly packed.

“See what you’ve been missing out on?!” Natalie had to scream over the music. I nodded my head slowly, taking in the scene in front of me.

Teenagers were everywhere. Some were dancing crazily, some were making out, some were drinking….drinking? How do they even have alcohol here? Isn’t it illegal to drink underage, especially at a bar? I decided not to even bother questioning it. Like Natalie said, I’ve obviously missed out a lot.

Natalie and Simon instantly walked over the bar. Simon whistled the bartender over, ordering God knows what. They were instantly bought two shot glasses each filled to the brim by the bartender. Both Natalie and Simon smirked at each other before gulping down the shots. I didn’t know if I wanted to have one or not, but I decided it might be best if I gave it a miss. Especially since this is my first time here.

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