Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

“Shhh!” I squealed like a little girl, as Luke came crashing through the window. “I don’t want people to be getting any suspicions.” I crawled back over to him, wrapping my arms around him. I couldn’t get my hands off of him.

It was on the peak of dark, the city lights already starting to shine around Melbourne. We left the alley when we saw a homeless guy walking towards us, chugging down a bottle of alcohol. We could smell the stench of him from the other side of the alley. His clothes were all grotty and his ragged beard looked like it was infested with fleas. These are the type of people that give people bad things to talk about Melbourne.

My mind didn’t think twice before inviting Luke back to my place. I didn’t know where this was going, but so far, I liked it. I liked how Luke had that slight smell of aftershave. I liked how his curls would wrap around my fingers every time I tugged his hair. I liked how his hands would travel up and down my petite body, making me feel less conscious of myself. I liked how he breathed against my neck, making me shiver. I liked how his lips were soft, yet eager on my own. But what I liked more, was that Luke was mine and I was his.

“We should probably move from the floor,” Luke whispered against my lips. I stopped kissing him, only to look around me. I was straddling Luke while he laid on the ground, his elbows propping him up. We hadn’t even been in my room for two minutes. We didn’t have time to get on my bed.

I smirked to myself. “Probably,” I said. “But I like where I have you.” I slammed my lips back onto his. My hands gripped his shirt covering his chest. I pulled him up closer to me, making him sit up. I kept my legs either side of him.

Slowly, I could feel his hand ride up my thigh. I smirked against his lips. I gripped the thin material of his shirt even more. I could feel his toned chest underneath it. I kept kissing him and only stopped when I heard someone knocking on the door. I immediately pulled away from Luke, looking at the door. The person knocked again.

I quickly got off of Luke. “Get under the bed,” I whispered, pushing him towards the bed. He slid under, giving me one last kiss on the lips before I stood up. The person knocked on the door again. “Coming!”

I opened my door, revealing my parents. My eyes widened slightly, but I quickly pulled it together before they noticed. “What are you doing here?” The words spilled out of my mouth before I could even stop them.

I instantly regretted when I saw my Dad glare at me. But he quickly moved his eyes from me and studied the room around him. My mouth parted slightly as I quickly looked behind me, at my bed. You couldn’t see Luke. Luckily. I hope he can keep quiet.

“You’re Auntie told us this is the room you live in,” My Mum said. She pushed the door open more and let herself in. I stood off to the side, not stopping her. My Dad walked in after her. I closed the door behind them, not before quickly looking down the hallways to see if there were anyone else around. There wasn’t. “It’s…cosy.”

“You’ve lived here for two years?” My Father asked. I nodded my head, not trusting my voice. From the look on my Fathers face, I knew he didn’t like it. I guess he expected something better.

“Your Father and I were wondering if you would like to join us for dinner at a fancy restaurant a few streets away,” My Mother said. “We haven’t had dinner in such a long time as a family.”

I looked down at my bed, where Luke was hiding underneath. I can’t leave him here. I don’t want to go with my parents. Plus, I don’t have anything to wear. Yeah, I’ll use that as an excuse. “I’m sorry-“ I started.

“Your Mother already bought you a lovely dress,” My Father cut me off. I gulped, looking at him.

“It was very nice of you to buy me a dress, but I can’t do dinner tonight-“ I started, once again.

“You’re coming, Avery,” My Dad’s voice boomed. From the force from his voice, I knew his anger was bubbling. I gulped again, my hand shaking behind me. I wonder what Luke would be thinking right now.

“I have classes tomorrow, Dad. I have to be up bright and early to practice. I’m the lead. I can’t miss out on anymore practice,” I argued, my voice shaky.

“Avery. You are coming. That is final.” I knew there was no way getting out of this. But I had to try.

“If I go tonight, I’ll be tired tomorrow. I’ll be letting the whole cast down,” I argued. I clenched my hands into fists. My whole body was shaking. I hardly ever said no to my Dad, let along argue, but when I did, I would have to pay for it. I really hope Luke doesn’t see anything.

The next thing I knew, a burning sensation stung my cheek. My knees buckled down, letting me fall to the ground. My hands flew over my cheek where it was burning with pain. My jaw was in pain. I felt my eyes get watery, before tears started to flow freely down my face.

I was lying on the ground, curled up in a ball with my hands covering my face. I could hear my Mum yelling at my Dad, with him saying I deserved it. I could hear Luke gasp as I fell onto the ground. I could hear him whispering my name. I wanted to look up at him under the bed, but I didn’t want my Father to find him. It would end with both me and Luke hurt.

“Get up!” My Dad’s voice boomed throughout my room. I shook in fear, my lip trembling. My cheek stung with pain. I needed ice. Something. Anything.

I knew I had to get up. Slowly, I lifted my hands away from my face, bringing them down on the floor to boost me up. I caught a glance of Luke. He looked utterly shocked and angry. I knew he wanted to come out and see if I was okay, but I was glad he didn’t.

I slowly stood up, my hands clenched in fists beside me. They were shaking. My whole body was shaking. I had tears coming left, right and center. My cheek stung and I really wanted to be away from my Dad right now. I really wanted to be in Luke’s arms, while he told me it would be okay. It wasn’t though. My own Father slapped me. Like so many times he’s done before.

“Never, NEVER! Talk to me like that EVER again! Do you here me?!” My Dad yelled, pointing his finger at me. His cheeks were flushed red and he looked like any minute he was about to burst into fireworks.

I nodded my head, not wanting to say anything. I didn’t trust my voice. I just wanted my Dad to leave so I could continue crying. “I said, do YOU hear ME!” My Dad yelled again.

“Yes,” I quickly choked. My lip was quivering and my whole body was trembling. My Mum just stood there, watching the scene, not doing anything.

“I expect you will do better next time,” My Father said. He grabbed my Mother’s hand and opened the door, leaving. As soon as the door left, I fell to the ground again and started sobbing. My cheek hurt. My own Father had slapped me, again. In front of Luke.

I heard Luke say my name, as he climbed out from under the bed. He didn’t say anything. Instead, he picked me up in his arms and cuddled me. I cried into his chest as he rubbed my back. Because I was so little against Luke, he held me like I was almost like a big baby. I sat in his lap, sobbing into his chest as he held me close, rubbing my back.

He kissed me on top of the forehead, his lips lingering there. “If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand. Just remember that I’ll always be here for you,” Luke said.

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