Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It felt like hours has passed. Hours of non-stop talking and laughing. Hours of non-stop talking and laughing with Luke. I don’t think, I’ve ever felt this happy and carefree ever before in my life. I’ve always felt locked up and confined all by myself. I never wanted to do ballet, my parents did. I don’t know what they were thinking when they signed me up. I remember screaming and crying the first day they sent me. For the past 11 years they’ve been forcing me to do ballet. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if I could actually enjoy it. It would be alright if I wasn’t forced to do it, or to be pressured into doing things, or to be expected of the best. It would be alright if no one would expect the best from me and I actually had friends to join me.

It was like when I was with Luke, I didn’t think about any of the stupid ballet stuff. My mind completely forgot about ballet and turned into the actual girl I was. I felt free. I felt like I could actually laugh and be myself. The academy, feels like a prison, so whenever I get out of there I’ve felt like I’ve been released. But, I always have to go back. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, if I actually had friends and my Auntie wasn’t always breathing down my back. Maybe, just maybe, I could become friends with Simon and Natalie.

But here and right now, I felt happy and well, myself. I actually felt like myself. I knew I would be bright red in the cheeks from laughing so much, but it only made Luke smile. Every time I laughed, he smiled and started laughing himself. I wasn’t sure if Simon and Natalie were still in the club or if they’ve gone home. I’m sure me and Luke have been out here in the alley way for hours. Hours of endless chatter and laughter.

There’s been a few time when a couple of random strangers would stumble out of the backdoor of the club. The first time, a teenage boy stumbled out, vomiting. It was quite gross actually, but luckily we were nowhere near the door. The next time, a boy and girl stumbled out, making out. They didn’t even noticed we were there and they were pressed up against the door making out. All me and Luke could do was look at each other with disgusted looks on our faces and try to hold in our laughter. The girl and boy soon noticed we were there though and became very embarrassed, before walking back inside. The last person who actually came walking through the alleyway was singing ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry  and could hardly walk in a straight line. Each time, me and Luke couldn’t help but laugh.

It was no doubt the middle of the night now and it was absolutely freezing, but I couldn’t care less. Me and Luke were sitting on the ground, up against the wall opposite side of the backdoor. His arm was strung over my shoulder, bringing me close to him, as my head lay on his chest. I had his jacket still around my shoulders, holding it tight and close to me. I was surprised that Luke wasn’t even cold. I was practically shivering, but I guess that’s what you get from sitting outside in the middle of the night.

“It’s getting late, what about I walk you home?” Luke asked. I sighed to myself, wishing this night would never end, but I knew it would have to.

“I should probably go see if Simon and Natalie are still here” I paused. “They probably left me no doubt”

“Forget about them, come on. I’ll take you back home” Luke paused. “Wait, you live at the academy, don’t you?” I nodded my head. “Luckily I know where that is” Luke mumbled.

“You’ve been there before?” I asked. Luke nodded once again and grabbed my hand and we started walking out of the alleyway. Every time he grabbed my hand, I couldn’t help but look down at both of our hands touching and blush. Each time he grabbed my hand, it felt like it was the first time he was ever holding my hand. When really, I’ve lost count of the amount of times Luke has grabbed my hand. Even when I talk to him, I get butterflies in my stomach. It was strange. Feeling this way about a boy. I don’t know if this was normal, but I liked the way I felt.

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